I have 2 daughters age 3 & 7 month i 1st started goin to rawat when my 3 yr old daughter was born & iv never been to a other docter evern since even for myself & wife. Just 2night iv been their whith my 7month daughter that had a fever of almst 40 which he immediately help us after explaining to patients that was their before us & many times iv sat in that very same surgery for some thing els & their came parents in wit their babys with fever & he did the very same to help them because fevers can become very critical when it comes to babys so i take my hat off to dr rawat for awsum service & to the girls in the reception r always on point clean very helpful & friendly couldnt ask for a better doc to go to kind friendly care so much for the patients & if he nt sure about something he will phone (his contacts) to make sure which is very seldom that he wont know & to myself & wife that is like goin all out way beyond the call of duty we than you for ur guys awsum service definitely 5 star doc #to the mense that hav a problem with dr helping babys that come in with high fever or even elderly ppl that needs immediate attention or any1 for that matter that needs that immediate att. If u have a problem then u not normal or human. Great service keep up the good wrk doc & team
Posted Date : 05/02/2020
I have 2 daughters age 3 & 7 month i 1st started goin to rawat when my 3 yr old daughter was born & iv never been to a other docter evern since even for myself & wife. Just 2night iv been their whith my 7month daughter that had a fever of almst 40 which he immediately help us after explaining to patients that was their before us & many times iv sat in that very same surgery for some thing els & their came parents in wit their babys with fever & he did the very same to help them because fevers can become very critical when it comes to babys so i take my hat off to dr rawat for awsum service & to the girls in the reception r always on point clean very helpful & friendly couldnt ask for a better doc to go to kind friendly care so much for the patients & if he nt sure about something he will phone (his contacts) to make sure which is very seldom that he wont know & to myself & wife that is like goin all out way beyond the call of duty we than you for ur guys awsum service definitely 5 star doc #to the mense that hav a problem with dr helping babys that come in with high fever or even elderly ppl that needs immediate attention or any1 for that matter that needs that immediate att. If u have a problem then u not normal or human. Great service keep up the good wrk doc & team