Dr. Naftolin performed a Miracle on my foot. I have had foot problems since 1989. After 3 surgeries I was still in terrible pain. 3 Orthopedic surgeons told me nothing could be done - learn to live with it. Dr. Naftolin did an amazing procedure and I am walking without pain. I am very grateful for his expertise and concern - He is GREAT!!! Thank you Dr. Neil Naftolin!!
Posted Date : 28/10/2018
Dr. Naftolin performed a Miracle on my foot. I have had foot problems since 1989. After 3 surgeries I was still in terrible pain. 3 Orthopedic surgeons told me nothing could be done – learn to live with it. Dr. Naftolin did an amazing procedure and I am walking without pain. I am very grateful for his expertise and concern – He is GREAT!!! Thank you Dr. Neil Naftolin!!