If you value your own time and do not want to be hostage to this doctor's schedule, then find another doctor. Keeps you waiting for hours, no contact from the office to say the time is changed and only superficial apologies for inconvenience to the patient.
Posted Date : 09/07/2020
Total competence and a wonderful admin assistant. Dr. Bhindi’s qualifications are excellent.
Minus 5 star rating for Dr Bhindi the 🤡 Scheduled a prostate MRI approximately 10 months ago complete with a confirmation letter.
Upon my arrival at Rockyview General Hospital, I was told my appointment was cancelled. What ?
After fasting 6 hours, driving across the city, paying for parking and told this was cancelled by someone in Dr Bhindi’s office.
I called the office and was informed a cancellation letter was to sent to my home, a fax sent to my family doctor and a personal phone call made by Dr Bhindi to my cell. All not true.
Family clinic tells me that Dr Bhindi just dropped me as a patient 6 months prior to the MRI appointment.
Still no explanation why the cancellation.
This all appears to be fabricated lies and Mr Bhindi should be reprimanded by the college of physicians.
Would you trust this guy ?
Had surgery Turp. The next two days in the hospital walk right by my bed. Forgot I was his patient. Really Look at the white board
Saw him in the foothills emergency in Calgary. Very quick to respond and accommodating. Or staff very courteous and nice.
Could never get through to his office (message said to go to the website, website said to call the office resulting in inability to contact him. Finaly first surgery – don’t worry got everything, NO Cancer. A month later , oh by the way I was wrong, have to have second surgery, and he said it was minor, should not be an issue. Biopsy came back aggressive cancer – oh what a surprise. Was told had to do radical surgery and should do this and no other treats. He is the typical surgeon with a ‘God’ complex. After consulting Chemo and Radiation specialists we decide we could not trust this Doctor and went for the little bit of hope offered by treatments. Well it all turned out poorly and less than 6 weeks later my husband was gone. The good thing was the Radiation and Chemotherapy doctors were compassionate and even called to express condolences. To Dr. Bhindi you are just a number. He does not connect with his patients when the times get rough! I would not recommend this doctor to anyone. Request a referral to someone better. He may be busy but that does not mean his is a great surgeon.