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7007 14 Street SW Calgary, AB, Canada
7007 14 Street SW Calgary, AB, Canada


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20 reviews
  • Anonymous

    Completely dismissed diagnosis by two previous neurologists who got it right. Very behind on current knowledge of the causes of neuropathy! Rude and evaded answering questions.

  • Anonymous

    Very good neurologist, helped me when nobody else would. Knowledgable, helpful and kind (and humble!). Would go back to see him any day.

  • Anonymous

    He saved my life. Without him i would not bealive and have my famil today. Thank you so much

  • Anonymous

    Dr. Klein is what all doctors should aspire to be like. He is the only Dr. who has truly pursued the cause of, and treatment for the debilitating pain I have endured for over 5 years now. His bedside manner, is excellent. He takes the time to explain one of the most complicated areas of medicine in such a manner that the average patient is left with a clear understanding of what is going on. After feeling like all the other doctors which have seen me over the years, basically threw in the towel, Dr. Klein is still actively trying to help me.

  • Anonymous

    I was referred to dr. Klein by an ENT, looking to see if my hearing and sinus complaints where related to neurological problems. After 8 months I was finally able to see dr. Klein and it turned into a dissappointment. Yes, dr. Klein is quite a nice older man. But al he did was the old fashioned say ahh and tap your hammer on my knee thing and send me away not being able to help me. Maybe he was right. He mentioned he would however be able to refer me to another specialist who he said would probably not be able to help me either, but I would get a good laugh out of meeting him. I appreciate the sense of humor, but so much for your healthcare dollars.

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Dr. Gary Klein20 reviews

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  • 3








    Turns out I was taking twice as much medication as necessary! Felt like a zombie! No help!

    Posted Date : 03/10/2023

  • 5








    I have been seeing Dr. Klein for years and he has earned my respect and trust.

    Posted Date : 11/03/2023

  • 5








    Greatest doctor and helpful. Would recommend to anyone.

    Posted Date : 27/04/2020

  • 1








    Dismissive rude arrogant. The nurse is just as rude and abrupt. After asking to be dismissed the calls still continued. Allergies to meds. No concern or call backs. A general ER dr helped relieve some of the symptoms. Presently stuck in a wheelchair due to side effects of meds. Have to take reactine to take eplilpsy meds.

    Posted Date : 14/01/2020

  • 1








    This doctor is arrogant, and dismissive of his patients and their families. When my father was admitted to hospital after a stroke it took days before we were able to talk with him, despite us telling the nurse we wanted to have a talk with the attending doctor. When we finally were able to meet with this doctor he just dismissed my questions ( I am a nurse and my questions were well thought out). He told us the risk of swelling was minimal in someone my father’s age, and that the peak was already past, eventhough this was not true in my father’s case. By this way he shut down conversation around treatment options at a time my father could have had input into the discussion, which would have been helpful in the case my father got worse. That same day my father did take a turn for the worse, and ended up getting transferred to a different unit where he could be monitored. According to the charting he got even worse around 1am and we were not called until close to 07:30 in the morning to inform us of the change. We were told he started to decline between 3 and 4 am. When we areived at the hospital we found him laying flat in bed, despite the neurosurgery resident having ordered for the head of bed to be elevated to avoid him chiking on his own secretions. We were told what options we had and thos were the same options I had wanted to discuss with Dr Klein the day prior when my dad was still concious and able to talk. Dr Klein was present while the neurosurgeon explained our options, and he quietly apologized for being “ so casual about the risk”. Seriously, at that point it was a bit late for that. The 2 nurses taking care of him that day ( there was an orientee as well as a regular staff) neglected to ensure the head of the bed was elevated after the procedure and the emergency safety equipment such as suction, and the clamps for the drain that had been placed were missing at the bedside. When we were allowed back into his room after the drain placement, my father again was laying too flat and we could hear his breathing had become very wet sounding and there was what appeared to be vomit around his lips but no suction available so we had to call for, and then wait for suction to be set up while my father was breathing in his own vomit. As the day progressed he started to seem to improve a bit neurological but his breathing became worse and worse. And that night we ended up having to make the decision to only provide comfort for him and no more life saving measures. We had been told by the ICU doctor who was consulted that the ct right after drain placement had shown already too much damage, such that my father would never have quality of life if he survived. This despite that when I had asked about that ct result, I had been told nothing about the damage and only been told the drain was in the correct spot. The following morning, after he had been changed to comfort care measures only ( in other words comfort while he is progressing towards death) Dr Klein came in to the room and in a very inappropriate upbeat tone said, “ we will have to see how he progresses today”. It was as if he had no clue as to what was going on with his patient, my father. As far as I am concerned Dr Klein’s dismissive arrogant attitude contributed to my father’s death because had the discussion about options been had when I tried to have it, and my father’s wishes could have been clear, they could have taken action sooner and perhaps there would have been less swelling and he might have had less irreversible damage. I think this doctor is so bad he should not even be practicing medicine. If I could rate him with zeros I would.

    Posted Date : 09/07/2019

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