Wandered in, never looked up from the chart, declared he had seen this condition and results many times, and in his opinion it was prostate cancer, started expounding on the need for a diet of yogurt, rice and no red meats, then said he was too busy to deal with this right now, but all medications prescribed were bad, caffine was terrible and things were much better elsewhere. Then he wandered out. Was not cancer. He should return to where things are so much better.
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
Just completely incompetent, insensitive, and arrogant.
Been in the hospital 36 days before he was recommended to see me. Told me my health was poor because I “need to be in bed by 10 pm and awake at 7 am winter, 6 am summer”. Same as others was told to eat yogurt, rice and no red meat. I’ve been unable to eat without immense abdominal pain or an episodic vomiting. Also blamed marijuana for it, writing in my chart that I was “dope dependant” even though a previous doctor prescribed me THC pills for my nausea.
Would recommend demanding another specialist if you get him.
Saw Dr. Raman after I was admitted to hospital with severe abdominal and back pain. I was in hospital for 4 days before a colonoscopy was done. He chastised me for being “emotional” in the procedure room. The following day I was discharged. I was told by the nurse earlier in the day that I was to see him in 6 weeks. Then when she brought the discharge order, she told me he wanted to see me on my way home that day. I was tired, still in pain, hungry, grumpy, and felt that I had wasted a lot of hospital resources for what I was told they found (polyps, ibs, diverticulitis, hemmoroid, etc). I went to his office and waited for an eternity. When he finally did see me he asked where my family was and really flipped out because the nurse hadn’t told me to bring my family. Well now I’m freaked out! Again, he tells me I’m too emotional!? He proceeds to tell me that how I live is killing me (the only thing unhealthy I do is smoke like 4 cigs a day); and that I have to eat more yogurt, no lactose, no red meat, no refined sugars, and…the kicker (this was the point I wanted to strike him), he tells me to sing at the top of my voice for 30 mins each day. What the heck? So… I did all of that because I was in so much pain…changed everything…now, pain is back and way way worse and I don’t want to see him so, I sit and I suffer.
Had an appointment after dealing with chrons for years and his main concern was to tell me that how I live is killing me and why should he invest his time if I didn’t change things immediately. Then proceeded to encourage a prayer. I am not religious and found it offensive to make me feel like I was not worthy of help.