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Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
Thunder Bay, ON, Canada


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43 reviews
  • Anonymous

  • Anonymous

    Just completely incompetent, insensitive, and arrogant.

  • Anonymous

    Been in the hospital 36 days before he was recommended to see me. Told me my health was poor because I “need to be in bed by 10 pm and awake at 7 am winter, 6 am summer”. Same as others was told to eat yogurt, rice and no red meat. I’ve been unable to eat without immense abdominal pain or an episodic vomiting. Also blamed marijuana for it, writing in my chart that I was “dope dependant” even though a previous doctor prescribed me THC pills for my nausea.

    Would recommend demanding another specialist if you get him.

  • Anonymous

    Saw Dr. Raman after I was admitted to hospital with severe abdominal and back pain. I was in hospital for 4 days before a colonoscopy was done. He chastised me for being “emotional” in the procedure room. The following day I was discharged. I was told by the nurse earlier in the day that I was to see him in 6 weeks. Then when she brought the discharge order, she told me he wanted to see me on my way home that day. I was tired, still in pain, hungry, grumpy, and felt that I had wasted a lot of hospital resources for what I was told they found (polyps, ibs, diverticulitis, hemmoroid, etc). I went to his office and waited for an eternity. When he finally did see me he asked where my family was and really flipped out because the nurse hadn’t told me to bring my family. Well now I’m freaked out! Again, he tells me I’m too emotional!? He proceeds to tell me that how I live is killing me (the only thing unhealthy I do is smoke like 4 cigs a day); and that I have to eat more yogurt, no lactose, no red meat, no refined sugars, and…the kicker (this was the point I wanted to strike him), he tells me to sing at the top of my voice for 30 mins each day. What the heck? So… I did all of that because I was in so much pain…changed everything…now, pain is back and way way worse and I don’t want to see him so, I sit and I suffer.

  • Anonymous

    Had an appointment after dealing with chrons for years and his main concern was to tell me that how I live is killing me and why should he invest his time if I didn’t change things immediately. Then proceeded to encourage a prayer. I am not religious and found it offensive to make me feel like I was not worthy of help.

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Dr. K. R. K Raman43 reviews

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    Wandered in, never looked up from the chart, declared he had seen this condition and results many times, and in his opinion it was prostate cancer, started expounding on the need for a diet of yogurt, rice and no red meats, then said he was too busy to deal with this right now, but all medications prescribed were bad, caffine was terrible and things were much better elsewhere. Then he wandered out. Was not cancer. He should return to where things are so much better.

    Posted Date : 29/04/2024

  • 4








    Just see a different GI specialist. He focuses so much on weight and non medical treatments that I’ve exhausted as someone with GI issues. I need MEDICAL help. Finally got somewhere with a different specialist

    Posted Date : 13/09/2023

  • 4








    I have seen Dr Raman off and on for the last 15 years and he is one of the best I have had especially since dealing with an ostomy due to Crohn's. He is very thorough and knows there is help beyond western pharma products even though he prescribes them as deemed necessary. Anyone who ignores other things you put in your body and unhealthy life choices and their impact on health is just ignorant. I don't blame him if he is frustrated with Western ideology. He can be blunt and direct at times and those who are overly sensitive to realities they don't like tend to shoot the messenger in general. If you don't like his advice you don't have to take it but if you don't give a chance to what is beyond pharma that is on you. The fact that he is aging as he is and is still sharp and educating himself and practices what he preaches should indicate to the ones who want a magic pill that it takes more than that to achieve good health. It will be a loss to the medical community and his patients when he retires. If you have the opportunity to get him as your specialist you're lucky and I encourage you to think outside pharma and pills. They have a place but so do other options. I am ever grateful to have had him as a care provider and wish him the best in his life. He has helped a lot of people even if they don't know it. Unfortunately you can't have everything sugar coated to accommodate your sensitivities.

    Posted Date : 05/05/2023

  • 5








    Dr Raman was treating my son while in the hospital for ulcerative colitis, and I have nothing but amazing things to say about him. I have never had a better interaction with a doctor-ever. He was attentive, thorough, knowledgeable, compassionate and took the time to answer any questions or concerns that my son and his family members had about his recovery. He was extremely helpful in giving recommendations on proper diet/nutrition and lifestyle changes that could help with his condition- which no previous physician had since his diagnosis. He also called on occasion to check up on and see how he was doing, even tho my son was no longer under his care. He truly is a gift to the medical community and at all times I felt I like my son’s health was in good hands.

    Posted Date : 24/04/2023

  • 1








    Horrible man. Feel like my colonoscopy was done by a naturopath. Needs to work on his bedside manner. Shaming people is not the best approach.

    Posted Date : 06/04/2023

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