Please record your session, if you are forced to see this doctor. Dr. Tang-Wai, works in the favour of the employer he is hired and paid by, and demonstrated multiple times throughout the session, a biased approach; he lacks integrity, honesty, and professionalism.
Posted Date : 12/12/2017
Not the best doctor for me. I had gone through a huge crisis (my husband disappeared leaving me unable to pay for my mortgage so I lost my home and had to move in my father who is an alcoholic and abused me as a child resulting in foster care). He actually told me that I did not take the antipsychotics he prescribed that he would require my father to take over my care. I stopped taking them after he was no longer my doctor and have had no problems since moving out on my own again and regaining my life after my devastating setback.
just another doctor who wants to encourage the use of mind numbing precriptions
This doctor came to our facility to see a former patient. He was very close-minded to new issues that have come up in her care. He basically wrote the patient off, even before he had a chance to see her. He was very nonchalant about getting information to understand the entire picture. He was unwilling to work with other professionals to help make a difference or offer other alternatives. Not a team player but sadly, an even worse patient advocate.
Willing to go the extra mile to help, great knowledge and has been a great help in dealing with employers and insurance companies.
Dr Tang Wai was assigned to support my client with complex mental health needs following a critical incident. He was unhelpful, dismissive, rude, condescending, hostile and criticized community care while refusing to participate in supportive community care planning to assist the client to be successful. Definitely one of the worst treatment by a psychiatrist I have witnessed in 20 years in the field. Terrible and sad