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High River, AB, Canada
High River, AB, Canada
  • AHC


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32 reviews
  • Anonymous

    Excellent doctor. Very knowledgeable and always willing to listen. Takes the time to understand your problem and treats all with empathy and respect. Would highly recommend to anyone.

  • Anonymous

    Dr Gorsche found an aneursym in my chest along time ago. If this were in place at the time I would have given him the best rating ever then. I am a nurse now and realize and see every day the difference between Dr’s who are willing to dig alittle deeper for their pts and those who do not. Thank you Dr Gorsche, you did an excellent service to myself and my wife when we lived in High River.

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Dr. Ronald Gorsche32 reviews

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  • 4








    As previously noted Dr. Gorsche was the instigator of building the Charles Clark Center and getting more Doctors in town for those with out a Doctor. In response to this last review , I think he can be forgiven if he has to be on the phone for this and his home that was stamped in the floodway and is having to move. Empathy is always appreciated and he's the best Doctor to me!

    Posted Date : 16/10/2014

  • 2








    Leslie is helpful, but a little abrupt with patients at times. Dr. Gorsche is too focused on his new residence in Okotoks - he was late and we could all hear him talking to his contractor about his house on the phone for ages. Sometimes too much business gets in the way, as he's as much into business it seems as medicine sometimes. Otherwise, likeable enough. Missed my diagnosis in the office, so I had to go to Emerg. to have it figured all out. Appt's too quick and no `extra items' to discuss from your one `complaint' anymore. If you can get him in the office that is.

    Posted Date : 13/08/2014

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