Any dr who turns away patients because they have medicaide as a secondary or third part insurance after treating that patient for years ( per thier Office staff) let alone a person who is under full coverage insurance through medicare insurance but has medicade as secondary is less than an acceptable primary care provider. Under licencing laws as a doctor you are to care for any patient you have previousely accepted as a patient reguardless of secondary insurances this doctor's action to those whom were his patients and then suddenly dropped due to thier secondary or third layer insurance being medicade shows he has no concern for anything but money and that the patient shall always come last. this Doctor is at the very least negligent in his duties to his patients he suddenly dropped. He should be dismissed as a doctor in any form by the medical association. I have notified my insurances to drop him as a primary care physician due to his actions violating thier codes.
Posted Date : 01/01/1970
Dr is excellent but the staff and his nurse wont do a PA and the words of the nurse are ” I don’t have time for that and that’s not my job. You need to call the insurance and do it”! The staff is lazy and not helpful at all. I would be embarrassed to have a staff working for me like that.
Excellent Doctor!