I had a large abscess in my tonsil, and saw multiple doctors who treated me with antibiotics and steroids to no avail. I found Dr Dagher and within first meeting him he took care of the problem within a 15 minute appointment. I left the office that day feeling the best i’ve felt in weeks! I’m so grateful I found him, I have no idea what would’ve happened if I stayed with my previous ENT.
Posted Date : 19/03/2021
I had a large abscess in my tonsil, and saw multiple doctors who treated me with antibiotics and steroids to no avail. I found Dr Dagher and within first meeting him he took care of the problem within a 15 minute appointment. I left the office that day feeling the best i’ve felt in weeks! I’m so grateful I found him, I have no idea what would’ve happened if I stayed with my previous ENT.