Very much a 'clicky' hospital. Very little confidentiality, reception/clerk very rude. I've over heard hospital staff talk about patients while in the community. Some nurses are good but most seem incompetent/inexperienced and out of their league, however, that's more so IHA's fault for putting them in that position. The MD was clearly grumpy and didn't want to be there.
Posted Date : 27/04/2021
Very much a ‘clicky’ hospital. Very little confidentiality, reception/clerk very rude. I’ve over heard hospital staff talk about patients while in the community. Some nurses are good but most seem incompetent/inexperienced and out of their league, however, that’s more so IHA’s fault for putting them in that position. The MD was clearly grumpy and didn’t want to be there.
Insular, rude, ineffective staff. Both my husband and I have been treated poorly here. A few staff are nice and go out of their way to make you comfortable. If it not were for a few nurses who are clearly too “local” and nosy and who think they can pick and choose who they give adequate care to, I would have given a better rating. You are there to treat people who are there for their health concerns, and that is where it should end.
For such an isolated area something as simple as an ultrasound should be mandatory. Otherwise the staff are awesome, helpful & truly care abiut you.
rated this hospital for bad service because you have to make appoinments for something as simple as a xray. You phone there then someone may or may not call you back the same day. Certain staff members talk down town about people in the hospital as well as single out staff members and complain about them loud enough that if you are in the ER you can hear them, then you put your health in their hands!!