Could use support for Red Deer to be a healthy place in which to live. We have poor air quality as the province has not introduced emission testing of automobiles--unlike U.K., two provinces and about thirty states. Fine particulates from industrial sources exceed Canada's 30ug/M3 at times -- life threatening level for male seniors. Google red deer air pollution. Residential wood burning is sweeping the Globe and will get worse in Red Deer. There are already concerns particularly re fire pits. Google doctors and scientists against wood smoke pollution. Air quality monitoring is very basic and of limited value as urban pollution is localized --near a busy street or near a person burning wood. Personal monitors ($300) are available. I lived in a typical wood burning area in St. Albert and the air was highly carcinogenic and in addition to the carcinogenic smoke I identified high levels of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, benzene and a range of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Fireplace smoke was the first identified cause of lung cancer 300 years ago and as a cause of death in short order in 1840. We could use some support for clean air Alan Smith A Director of the Canadian Clean Air Alliance Red Deer
Posted Date : 02/08/2018
Could use support for Red Deer to be a healthy place in which to live. We have poor air quality as the province has not introduced emission testing of automobiles–unlike U.K., two provinces and about thirty states. Fine particulates from industrial sources exceed Canada’s 30ug/M3 at times — life threatening level for male seniors. Google red deer air pollution. Residential wood burning is sweeping the Globe and will get worse in Red Deer. There are already concerns particularly re fire pits. Google doctors and scientists against wood smoke pollution. Air quality monitoring is very basic and of limited value as urban pollution is localized –near a busy street or near a person burning wood. Personal monitors ($300) are available. I lived in a typical wood burning area in St. Albert and the air was highly carcinogenic and in addition to the carcinogenic smoke I identified high levels of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, benzene and a range of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Fireplace smoke was the first identified cause of lung cancer 300 years ago and as a cause of death in short order in 1840.
We could use some support for clean air Alan Smith A Director of the Canadian Clean Air Alliance Red Deer
If you dropped out of junior high, and can figure out how to print a diploma, you are likely more qualified than the staff at this hospital. The doctors will prescribe whatever drugs that are paying the bills. The nursing staff shop for purses online instead of actually caring for patients. Ridiculous. Tax dollars wasted on wastes of flesh.