Psychiatrist was not helpful and banned my family from sessions…they seemed more interested in stringing me along. Be careful of this place. They play mind games and pretend to be nice to you but is really against your mental health.
Posted Date : 23/07/2022
Psychiatrist was not helpful and banned my family from sessions…they seemed more interested in stringing me along. Be careful of this place. They play mind games and pretend to be nice to you but is really against your mental health.
Horrific nightmarish place in need of forced closure! “Doctors” that seem self certified without any actual credentials messing with peoples heads. Emiko Moniwa, Jackie Brenda Matsyk, Phong, Ponachana & more people who should get the tortured death penalty eternaly 4 crimes against the Universe via ruining all humanity up on Earth. They get off on false diagnose’s on innocent people with forced “medication” 4 illnesses they dont even have because they all have investments in big pharma. Literary the densest most stupid people 1 could encounter! Their souls are destin 4 epic eternal tortures! Guinipig s is what they believe all people are 4 their chemical castration & emotional lobotomy ‘s they force up on innocence! They are all suffering with a delusional self reighous God like delusional false self value 4 which they will pay 4 eternaly! They falsify paperwork, change documented statements from their peers, make up insane assumptions based on their messed up thoughts instead of actual facts, they double too quadruple dose poison medication, lie to cops, manipulate hospital staff, don’t have any life experience so, can’t even transcribe a simple conversation, think they are better than God, think they have right to destroy others lives with out consequences, have no common sense, don’t listen to clients, so judgemental with small minded conduct, sex obsessed, have no compassion or empathy or even care for others, sociopaths, psychopathic behaviors….why are these mentaly deranged human garbage people considered as ” doctors”? Psychology means(latin) study of the soul. These retarded children with too much power know not a thing about the soul least do they have a soul themselves! $$$ & service to self at all costs including innocent lives of others is their rule to live by. They think they can take whatever they want from anyone without consequence…..big surprise for them 4 they chose the hardest path to learn them selves & all evil & ill in the world is rooted in them.
Horrible. Wrong diagnosis. Forced medication that has taken my ability to have any positive feelings, pleasure & robbed me of my creativity. The doctors seem deaf & non educated as in lacking in actual life experience. They check mark off facts and assign you to a pre defined category. They do not listen to their patients and push medication severely. I have been through 4 different doctors there & only 1 was decent but left the facility recently. The forced medication makes it hard to leave the house and get up & go in the morning so I am having trouble holding a job. They are doing nothing to help me move forward in my life & they know when I was sent to them, I had lost my home, my relationship, my livelyhood that took 15 years to build, had a major surgery which forced me to take 10 months off work go on wellfare & I was being stalked & harassed in my home by a crazy landlady. So I lost it, most would! I was diagnosed schizophrenic which I am not as I do not have any symptoms or hear voices. They don’t believe me nore do they listen they just keep injecting me with poison. Dr. Moniwa put irrelevant facts on my file about me getting pregnant in the past & put I hear voices which I never said I did! I am presently seeking a lawyer to help me with this mess.