I've been to the hospital emergency ward 5-6 times in the many years I've lived in Minnedosa. None of my visits were life threatening but I did feel I needed to get checked out. Each time I did go in I felt like I was waisting their time. The last time I went in. the nurse took my vitals, asked me a few questions ....then off she went to lunch leaving me no information as to what was going on. I sat there for 11/2 hours then a different nurse came in with the doctor. The doctor asked me a few questions, listened to my breathing and sent me on my way. It wasn't the wait time that bothered me so much.... it was how cold and unreceptive the staff was, It was like robots going through the basic motions they have to do. I just feel a person has to be pretty much dying before there's much effort put into the case. I've discussed my experiences and feelings with different people and they feel the same way I do. The is cocky, arrogant , and have little compassion...
Posted Date : 03/05/2022
I’ve been to the hospital emergency ward 5-6 times in the many years I’ve lived in Minnedosa. None of my visits were life threatening but I did feel I needed to get checked out. Each time I did go in I felt like I was waisting their time. The last time I went in. the nurse took my vitals, asked me a few questions ….then off she went to lunch leaving me no information as to what was going on. I sat there for 11/2 hours then a different nurse came in with the doctor. The doctor asked me a few questions, listened to my breathing and sent me on my way. It wasn’t the wait time that bothered me so much…. it was how cold and unreceptive the staff was, It was like robots going through the basic motions they have to do. I just feel a person has to be pretty much dying before there’s much effort put into the case. I’ve discussed my experiences and feelings with different people and they feel the same way I do. The is cocky, arrogant , and have little compassion…