As long as Granger Avery isn't on duty you might have a chance of getting in and out alive. Most of the nursing staff is friendly and knowlegabe, lab and X-Ray have always been good. If you take your own meds with you make sure you lock them up and don'thand them over to staff. My wife made that mistake once and wound up with a pill bottle with the top cut out and all her meds gone. Nurse disappeared for two days to party and we were then told that one of our family members had taken them. Nice trick, I'm the only family member and I was 45 klicks away.
Posted Date : 01/01/1970
As long as Granger Avery isn’t on duty you might have a chance of getting in and out alive. Most of the nursing staff is friendly and knowlegabe, lab and X-Ray have always been good. If you take your own meds with you make sure you lock them up and don’thand them over to staff. My wife made that mistake once and wound up with a pill bottle with the top cut out and all her meds gone. Nurse disappeared for two days to party and we were then told that one of our family members had taken them. Nice trick, I’m the only family member and I was 45 klicks away.