
Powell River General Hospital is a healthcare facility located in Powell River, British Columbia. The hospital provides a range of medical services to the residents of Powell River and the surrounding community. Services offered include emergency care, surgery, maternity care, diagnostic imaging, laboratory services, and rehabilitation. Powell River General Hospital is committed to providing high-quality healthcare in a compassionate and caring environment.

Hospital Facilities

  • Emergency Department
  • Maternity Unit
  • Surgical Services
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Laboratory Services
  • Diagnostic Imaging
  • Mental Health and Substance Use Services
  • Medical/Surgical Unit
  • Palliative Care Unit
  • Rehabilitation Services
  • Pharmacy Services
  • Cardiology Unit
  • Oncology Unit
  • Respiratory Therapy
  • Unique Service:
  • - Indigenous Health Program

Awards & Recognitions

  • Accredited with Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada
  • Received the Excellence in Patient Care Award from the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council
  • Recognized as a Baby-Friendly Hospital by the World Health Organization and UNICEF
  • Designated as a Level 2 Community Hospital by the Ministry of Health
  • Acknowledged for Outstanding Volunteer Program by the Powell River Citizen Newspaper

Photo Gallery


What are the visiting hours at Powell River General Hospital?

Visiting hours are from [insert visiting hours here].

How can I contact Powell River General Hospital?

You can contact us at [insert contact information here].

Are there parking facilities available at Powell River General Hospital?

Yes, parking facilities are available on the hospital premises.


Phone Number
5000 Joyce Avenue, Powell River, BC V8A 5R3, Canada
5000 Joyce Avenue, Powell River, BC V8A 5R3, Canada


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20 reviews
  • Anonymous

    Let me start by saying that my comments today are meant to be helpful and not hurtful.
    My wife and I retired here in 2004 moving from the Lower Mainland and both fell in love with Powell River including our hospital! It was very refreshing to move here from the “rat race” where everyone here was very friendly and relaxed.
    My wife Tina had a lot of health issues so it did not take very long for us to become dependent upon our health services. Our family doctor, Dr. Lafferty turned out to be our best family doctor ever!!! The ambulance service was quick and efficient as was the ER and all hospital
    staff including lab and x-ray staff.
    My comment is that the administration of our beloved hospital is in a downward spiral!!!
    It is time for our Board of Directors to “wake up” and start making changes because “it all starts at the top”. What I saw today when I went in to get my blood tests was really sad!!!
    I am a retired Training Consultant and I know how to “jump through all the hoops” so I used the online booking system and that was easy.
    My last 3 trips over the past year to have blood tests have gotten progressively worse!
    My appointment was for 9:30 and I arrived at the front entrance table at 9:10 and the lady told me that I had to wait until 9:20 before checking in with the booking office..so I did,
    It seemed to take forever to book in and I suspected that it was due to a new lady in training on staff.
    The lab was running about 20 minutes late for appointments and the waiting room was full.
    I was confused as to why so few people were being tested and thought they must be really under staffed because it was taking much longer than I could ever remember.
    The lab technician who took my test needed help because she could not find my vein, I noticed that there were 2 empty stations when I first went in and gradually two ladies showed up each tested one person and then went back in the lab….returning in a few minutes…NO ONE HAD ANY SENSE OF URGENCY THAT THE WAITING ROOM WAS NOW PACKED WITH AT LEAST ANOTHER DOZEN PEOPLE STANDING WAITING….to put it bluntly To One Seemed to Give a Shit about the inconvenience to all these disgruntled people waiting.
    Based on my background as a Training Consultant who has performed dozens of training analysis on schools and other organizations “You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know”.
    The managing of our hospital is in a sad state of affairs and needs to be seriously monitored.
    Richard (Dick) Vanier

  • Anonymous

    My husband was ambulance to the hospital he was in the er when I saw him he looked fine he was throwing up uncontrollably they sent him upstairs WITHOUT finding out what was wrong with him the following day I went ta c him to my surprise he looked like he was paralyzed on his left side he was flinging his right arm n leg around but nothin on his left he couldn’t speak just baby talk ran to the nurses station n his nurse said they had to sedate him I ask what kind of pill did u give him right away he jumps to the defense sayin it wasn’t me I had nothin ta do with this they kept tellin me heavy sedative but they refused ta tell me what I told them I told u guys that he is allergic to morphine n Ativan but still won’t tell me but myself I just had ta look at him n a 5 yr old could tell he had a stroke we never got anywhere with these people then after I made a stink they decided ta do a catscan only ta find that he had a stroke so a few days went passed NOTHIN was being done to him except they kept in heavy sedation that’s there answer to everything just give them a pull they will shut up so I go to his regular doctor Dr Gill n all she can say is I CAN’T ANSWER THAT I WASN’T THERE so I asked can u tell me about his confusion that night so she says that was the START OF THE STROKE I said wait q minute back up here so ur sayin he was having a STROKE so ur guys answer to that is ta give him a drug that I told u he was allergic to n SEND him back ta bed ta STROKE OUT n she also told me which she denies that the er doctor called her right away her words not mine n said he was in fear of q stroke YET THEY DID NOTHIN n when I went ta c Dr Gill we were outside n she said this isn’t the place ta talk about this u have ta come inside I said yes I go to the front receptionist n she says she is booked I said she told me ta come in here so she talked to Dr Gill n they put me down as a walk in so Dr Gill got paid ta tell me she can’t answer that cuz she wasn’t there then Ivor’s daughter wants a meeting with Dr Gill once again we had ta book n appointment his daughter had a ton of questions we got in there she denied everything she had said to me n the Tom of queu guessed it I CAN’T ANSWER THAT I WASN’T THERE so she got paid for the both of us in there so then back at the hospital he pulled his feeding tube half was out nobody was paying attention so I go ta c him n he keeps askin for warm blankets he has about 10 on n I c his chest red he’s sweating I can c his pulse just beating in his neck I asked the male nurse who rhymes with PUKE is he having another stroke these r the symptoms he had b4 he says no I asked is he in q coma cuz he just has this blank look n not blinking a whole lot he yells Ivor he opens his yes slightly n closes them n he says no he’s very much here I asked why is he so hot he felt he says yeah goes n gets some ice packs n puts them under his arms n leaves Ivor is still askin for warm.blankets I saw Dr Dohm asked her ta come here n I asked her should he be sweating like this feel under his armpits he was burning up she asked them ta do his temperature it was 104+ once again I’M NOT A NURSE n I could tell so now he has a very bad infection n Dr Dohm wants someone ta stay the night cuz he might NOT make it n thank God for her Dr Dohm she took him off all the drugs those other doctors had him on I stayed with him up here for 2 days without sleep n he made it only for him ta pull the tube out more cuz no one up here pays attention so we got thru the infection only for him ta do the same thing again n now he has liquid in his lungs again this hospital is going to be the death of him the nurses r rude I had one come in the room n threatened me with the police if I didn’t leave I didn’t leave by the way she did this right in front of my husband well he then got upset n yelled not to clearly WHAT UR GONNA CALL THE COPS ON MY WIFE CUZ I WANNA POOP then she left u ask questions like he can’t swallow so I asked where all that flem goes the other one says u need to encourage him to swallow I said I have ta encourage him I headed back to the room only ta hear them laughing at me the one male nurse tried 4 times putting the tube in WITHOUT giving him a break in between no Tammy I’m a pro at this yeah right I said can u get Amanda wow he was pissed off at that request n got very smart ass with me I really DON’T know where these so called nurses got there education from but clearly they NEED MORE TRAINING what nurse can tell when someone had a stroke this is the MICKEY MOUSE CLUB not a hospital even during covid haha if u want in just wait till after 8 n ANYBODY is allowed in even WITHOUT A MASK go figure well PR hospital I have it all recorded JUDGEMENT DAY IS COMING

  • Anonymous

    The quality of care provided by the PRGH is outstanding. Cannot say enough good things about the outstanding professionals and support staff supporting this community.

  • Anonymous

    My husband had to go to the hospital as his heart was acting funny, it was 3 in the morning, nurses were excellent and attentive. He had a doctor Woznowski and doctor Head, they were excellent, took the time to explain the test results, sat by the side of the bed and talked to him. He was made feel very comfortable and it was the best experience he has had in a hospital in a long time.

  • Anonymous

    I went to emergency in the morning as l had fallen and badly injured my face and and hand. The Nurse there, Shannon, was so cold and uncaring that l wondered why she would be in the medical profession. You go to the hospital for help and you end up feeling worse than when you came in. She definitely needs a new place to work as she does not have the caring personality that you need in a medical facility.

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Powell River General Hospital20 reviews

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  • 1








    This place has turned to c#ap. Uncaring young personnel, punks with nose rings, one nurse with notable cut marks on arms. One orderly decided to play spin the patient in a wheelchair (with no foot rest). All public phones out of order, ripped curtains hanging in some wards. I could go on and on, what a disaster! And after a day & night being triaged, the doc gave his 5 minute assessment (not even caring to examine the area of concern) on an issue going on for years…a totally wrong assessment. Got out of there asap…what a hell hole! I'm sorry but l thought Canada had some of the best medical help in the world, PR general hospital is turning into a third world facility…so sad. Go elsewhere for treatment (unless you are a “preferred customer”)

    Posted Date : 17/06/2023

  • 5








    It always has been a really good hospital, but just lately some of the check in staff are just horrible.. There is one very miserable younger person works at Lab check in.. So many people can't believe she is still employed by the hospital, because she is so rude and awful to everyone...

    Posted Date : 21/05/2023

  • 4








    Very very very very very very very very very fascinating

    Posted Date : 17/12/2022

  • 5








    I went to the hospital emergency, after waiting for 5 hrs I was still waiting. I was told they only had one dr on duty. It was yesterday Friday July 30th. I am appalled that on a long weekend there was only one dr. On duty. I saw the triage nurse She took my blood pressure and temperature and told me to wait for my spot, so I did for 4hrs then a lady came in and was immediately called in. So I said to the nurse I was here befor her and was told that she had an appointment. I was upset because why would someone have an appointment on a long weekend. A nurse came out and took me into triage again. She took my temperature and blood pressure and asked why I was there. So I told her that my feet had been swollen for about a week and my dr. was on holidays so I phoned my pharmacist and she told my I probably was resting water and should talk to my dr. about a low dose diabetic As soon as I mentioned pills she looked pils she looked at me and said so you are here for pills and she told me to wait for my spot. I waited another hour and left. The lady at the desk who was giving out masks said that a lot of the people coming in were tourists. I live here and I am not saying I am more important than anyone else but I feel that our hospital has become a very poorly run institution! Why on a long weekend would they only have one dr. on duty. That fact just how ignorant the staff of our hospital has become. I am not important. I am also 72 years old!

    Posted Date : 01/08/2021

  • 3








    PLEASE IGNORE MY COMMENTS IN THE E-MAIL COMPLAINT JUST PRIOR TO THIS ONE! I had a blood test scheduled at the Hospital today and it was a much more pleasant experience. I also noticed that the site Supervisor had posted a notice on the window of the booking desk , explaining that they were short staffed and asking for everyone's patience. So I will give them the benefit of the doubt and hope the situation is rectified soon. Today, (21/07/19) they did appear to be short staff unlike my last visit. RS (Dick) Vanier

    Posted Date : 19/07/2021

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