Shameful service. Signs are posted for 20 minute wait time for triage (staff should look up the definition for triage). What constitutes an emergency in this hospital? A sniffle, someone needing a prescription, or someone that really is there to see a doctor for what may be true emergency. An assessment needs to be done here by Alberta Health Services to see how inefficiently this department is operated.
Posted Date : 04/10/2023
Shameful service. Signs are posted for 20 minute wait time for triage (staff should look up the definition for triage). What constitutes an emergency in this hospital? A sniffle, someone needing a prescription, or someone that really is there to see a doctor for what may be true emergency. An assessment needs to be done here by Alberta Health Services to see how inefficiently this department is operated.
absolutely horrible drs there,im on waiting list and signed the surgery forms i had a heart attack and have lung problems and awaiting gull bladder removal due to gull stones,my surgeon says im a high risk patient due to my heart and has to be in red deer,and im to go to rocky hospital if i ever have any pains,,,and not to mess around with it,,as it can be fatal,ive been in hospital 17x,and now rocky drs have wrote things on my files that i have no pains and i have some sort of a mental illness..i am appauled at this garbage medical care ,,and to treat me like ,,,,oh no .,,,,here she is again,,,,my last visit there ,my high blood pressure was 201 over 180…the machines were beeping off,,,they gave 2 aspirin and sent me home,,,,i was balling my eyes out in pain,they treat people like im faking it….trust me i have better things to do then go to that crap place!,,especailly drs from south africa,,,good lord,they get there drs lisence from a cracker jack box,,,they dont believe in pain medication,they dont believe in aish,,,all oain comes from mental iilness,,,,what a dam joke,,
Terrible wait times, organization, and bedside manner from *most* staff.
Not worth it you might as well die on the floor of the ER before they’re gonna help you . I’ll continue to rate it 1 star in everything until they step up their f#cling game .
Growing area needs ugrades and additions. Doctors are great.