
The Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton is a major academic and research hospital that provides a wide range of medical services to patients in the Edmonton area and throughout Alberta. It is one of the largest hospitals in Canada and offers specialized care in areas such as cardiology, oncology, emergency medicine, and geriatrics. The hospital is known for its state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge research, and commitment to providing high-quality care to patients.

Hospital Facilities

  • Emergency Department
  • Cancer Care
  • Maternity and Labour Delivery
  • Orthopedics
  • Pediatrics
  • Cardiology
  • Neurology
  • Psychiatry
  • Radiology
  • Alberta Health Services Eye Institute
  • Women's Health Clinic
  • Rehabilitation Services
  • Sleep Disorders Clinic
  • Level I Trauma Center

Awards & Recognitions

  • Accredited with Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada
  • Received the Canadian College of Health Leaders' national award for Innovation and Excellence in Healthcare Leadership
  • Named one of Alberta's Top Employers by Mediacorp Canada Inc.
  • Received the Health Quality Council of Alberta's Achievement Award for Patient-Centred Care.

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What are the visiting hours at Royal Alexandra Hospital?

Visiting hours are typically from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, however, please check with the specific unit or department for any restrictions or updates.

How can I contact a patient at Royal Alexandra Hospital?

You can contact a patient by calling the hospital's main line at (780) 735-4111 and asking for the patient's room number.

Is there parking available at Royal Alexandra Hospital?

Yes, there is parking available at the hospital. Please refer to the hospital's website or contact the hospital for more information on parking rates and locations.

What services and specialties does Royal Alexandra Hospital offer?

Royal Alexandra Hospital offers a wide range of services and specialties including emergency services, surgery, cancer care, mental health services, and more. Please visit the hospital's website for a full list of services.


10240 Kingsway Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T5H 3V9, Canada
10240 Kingsway Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T5H 3V9, Canada


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20 reviews
  • Anonymous

    Dirty floors, no help from nurses post op with a jaw wired shut when feeling nausea and headaches. Extremely disappointed at the level of communication and care.

  • Anonymous

    Worst experience of my life13 hr wait time when told 4 hrs. Was told to go to the er for possible internal bleeding…I dragged my feet for 5 hrs before I went, due to exsevice vomiting. I couldn’t keep anything down so went to the royal Alex. I waited 13hrs until I was seen, with in that time I puked about 8 times and gave them a sample. The staff is extremely rude they like to gossip about all the patients which we can hear in the waiting room. So I got in to see the doctor, they told me to try to drink water which I did then they told me if I feel like puking take this nausea drink I took the nausea drink due to not wanting to puke for a 100th time. Well they didn’t like that I over heard the doctor accusing me of being a liar the place is a high-school gossip queen place. After my ultra sound they said they were discharging and this was right after giving me a dose of gravel that nocked me out I could hardly walk. These ppl that work here have no value for life or ppl .

  • Anonymous

    Unit 36
    If your child does not swallow pills and does not take medication due to taste do not send them here waste of time. Underlying medical conditions and required medication. There was no assistance in teaching on how to swallow pills by OT or SLP because they do not have that service but was told just across the street we can get assistance there. Did not take blood because scared of needles but we could get that done in the community! Instead they use bribes with earning gems to cash in for candy! Had problems with administering meds at home on weekends but apparently we need to work on our relationship with our child. It’s the taste our child didn’t like!!! I did find the staff to be very good but did not get the help we needed. Very disappointed with this unit.

  • Anonymous

    Absolutely horrible horrible experience. Came here with my boyfriend who was having a very serious mental health crisis! This is my first time dealing with this type of situation and the charge nurse laughed in my face when I said I brought his regular medication and asked me why I would think to bring it there! After all the trauma I’ve been dealing with I did not need this type of rude behaviour it was completely unacceptable! Also after being brought in by ambulance and waiting in the ER for 10 hours(!!!) and my boyfriend explicitly saying he wanted to end his life they detoxed him of all his medication that somewhat stabilized him and discharged him with nothing! What an absolute joke of an establishment

  • Anonymous

    I will have to say it’s a low rating for me with respect to the emergency area. It needs serious attention in so many many ways . However, upon moving past that area to the interior, my RECENT experience with Dr and nurse team who attended to my reason for being there were stellar. Thank you Dr. Rogers and Nurse Brittany. You truly have the personality, talent, and skills to make a frightening experience more palatable. Compassion is lacking in so many triage healthcare centres. Gone are the days of that type of administration but these two professionals reminded that not all is loss. Perhaps these two individuals should address our government to show and remind them of why they chose disciplines which involve tge science and ethics behind dealing with REAL PEOPLE. We are not robots or experiments.

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Royal Alexandra Hospital20 reviews

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  • 1








    This hospital was responsible for the death of my son. Like most services now within the government, people should do their own due diligence and trust their own instincts. Most government services are not about helping human beings at all. They are all about money. Hopefully, this will change as time goes by. Wake up everybody.

    Posted Date : 01/02/2024

  • 1








    Data reported by this hospital shows about the same number of patients are readmitted to this hospital after surgery as to an average hospital of the same size.This indicator measures the number of surgical patients per 100 forced to return to hospital within 30 days of discharge. Many hospitals use this measure to assess the quality of care in the hospital and in the community. This hospital declined to complete a survey that CBC sent to hospitals across Canada. The survey asked questions about initiatives to improve care and safety. It was developed with the help of health care experts. So, this is what the internet says. Want to know what my experience has been ???? well, I am not here to leave a possitive review. DO NOT FOR ANY REASON ACCEPT ANY SERGICAL PROCEDURE FROM DR. JONATHAN WHITE....... this man diseminated a pathogenic bacteria into my body and then frieked out at me in the hospital because he didnt read the MRI and couldnt SEE the infection. stating " I guess we will agree to disagree " Typhoid Jonny here seems to play G-D with the lives of his patients and then he makes complaints about the respnces of patients when being told that he is wrong. Threw the paperwork at me and stormed out of the theater like an angry 7 year old child who hadnt gotten their icecream. I called him a medical narcissist, which is certainly accurate seeing as he then made complaints stating that I said that I was going to sue him. AND I SHOULD, as there is ABSOLUTLY NO EXCUSES HERE FOR HIS NEGLAGENCE. No person should be treated like I was, disregarded and belittles then denied further services at the royal alex hospital for my reaction to his malpractice and disregard for my life in general. once I looked up reviews of this man..... I can see quite clearly that I am not the forst person to experience such treatment from this Dr. and I bet that I am not the forst one to be denied services at the royal alex because of my reaction to the intentional threat to my life. and I say intentional for a reason. Either he KNEW what he was doing, or he did not. Either was. If he KNEW what he was doing then he INTENTIONALLY diseminated this pathogenic bacteria into my body KNOWING that it might kill me, KNOWING that what he had done may end my life. OR he didnt know what he was doing and he should not in any way be given any sort of permission to be behind the knife. thats the truth...... This man, TEACHES students, and if he doesnt know what he did, then everyone that he teaches is going on to preform the practice unawair that they are hurting and possibly killing people. IF HE DIDNT KNOW, well, its the same thing, if he didnt know what he was doing.....WHY IS HE TEWACHING ANYONE WHO TO DO IT? DO NOT ACCEPT THIS TREATMENT FROM ANY DR OR SURGEON. as it is your VERY LIFE at risk. What kind of hospital refuses to be a part of a survey refusing to complete a survey that CBC sent to hospitals?? maybe we should be asking what they are hiding???? And the fact that there are ANY repeat returning surgical necessesities, says that they certainly have a problem doing it rite the first time. I mean, I know that you are all bust over there. Its a hospital afterall, but one would think this would make staff MORE awair of the detrimental effects of not only repeat surgery, but surgical practices that require further intervention. MAYBE they should LOOK at the MRI? Maybe they should LISTEN TO THE CLIENTS AND THE FAMILY DRS THAT HAVE RECOMENDD+ED THE SURGERY TO BEGIN WITH. sounds like a rant???? rite??? well, im going to make this simple to understand. IF I HADNT INTERVIENED ON MY OWN BEHALF AND SELF MEDICATED I WOULD BE DEAD. SEPTIC SHOCK DEAD!.... and it would have been this hospitals and this DR Typhoid Jonny that would be resoincible for my death. But not really, because nobody is there to hold them accountable and the system is set up so that all complaints are sweapt under the rug. After all, WHO CAN COMPLAIN ABOUT THE METHODOLOGY AND PRACTICE THAT KILLED THEM AFTER THE FACT????? THIS, is why people are dieing in the hospitals rite now. Its not that they dont know HOW to do their Jobs. Its that they choose to preform their responcibilities with a 10% attitude. Just write down the statistical information and be done with it. If this is the attitude of the hospital and its DRS. I am not surprised that they have repeat surgery, and not at all surprised that people are dieing. we got Dr Typhoid Jonny over there TEACHING people how to play G-D with the lives of sick people

    Posted Date : 08/01/2024

  • 4








    I work at Royal Akex. I will do my utmost best in doing my job for all tax payers dime. I am sorry if any one had a bad experience. We hope we can improve.

    Posted Date : 07/01/2024

  • 1








    Nursing staff is very rude and disorganized, leaving pills and needles with medication laying around. The rooms are disgusting with garbage and dirt on the floors. Head nurse on the 4th floor very opinionated and rude to patients and their visitors. I've been changing and washing my son because the nurses are complaining they are over worked. I've been changing my son's bedding because if I never changed it he would be laying in his own filth.

    Posted Date : 01/01/2024

  • 1








    if you aren't suffering and in pain when you enter the Royal Alex you will be when you finally leave this horrible hospital ! Uncaring doctors and lazy uncaring nurses will make your stay here as unplesant as possible. The nurses run about like headless chickens while ignoring the needs and wants of the poor patients. You have to ask for water over and over again before anyone bothers to get it for you ! Needed to borrow a lousy pen but they refused to let me. Wanted to borrow a phone to call my brother but the unused phones are for their use only ! Only a starving dog would find the food here edible ! From my observations during a 5 day stay the primary job of these nursrs is to treat the sickly eldery like babies. Talking to them like babies, ...changing adult diabers, ....and constantly throwing endless blankets over them to keep them warm. Wake you up from a sound sleep to constantly poke some needle in you; ....then ask you your name, where you are, what day and year it is ??? I spent 5 days in this hell-hole that seemed more like 5 months. Endless tests and you never actually are told what's wrong with you or what can be done to help you ! A self-serving and parastic proffesion who's only purpose is earn these people as much as they can get ! They don't do anything that actually helps or benefits the patients what-so-ever !!!

    Posted Date : 07/10/2023

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