St. Joseph's hospital is a Catholic hospital set to apparently, finally, close its fetid doors this fall of 2017 in Comox, British Columbia, which is both laughably and modestly referred to as the "best place on earth." As a religious hospital, it has absolutely no business prescribing and housing psychiatric patients especially those that are non-denominational. It's a conflict of interest and an opportunity to gain much needed cohorts for a religion in a post-Christian era. The patient's right to exercise both control and agency over their lives is lost in this hospital. The absence of resources on the psychiatric ward available to patients are both astounding and appalling. There is no computer, printer, internet access, or kitchen available to patients-only tasteless slop and autocratic staff resulting in few options for patients looking for both jobs and housing other than the scant resources available at the social worker's disposal. Currently, psychiatry with its disturbing historical use of lobotomies and current use of electroconvulsive shock therapy, solitary confinement and pharmacological control is more eugenics than medicine. When you add the prerequisite belief at St. Joseph's that Jesus Christ is your savior, free thinkers can expect to be both persecuted and sedated at this dismal place of "healing."
Posted Date : 05/03/2017
Terrible terrible place , disgustingly filthy.
Staff are rude & Drs are arrogant . Order unessisary tests to feed their pockets & kick you out if you can’t make them any money or they don’t have the services to treat you. Absolutely absurd waste of provincial resources & neglect of patients describes this place to the best . How many more people are going to suffer & die before the provincial government steps in .. Best to drive to a different community rather than risk your life
A few visits to the ER in past years were not good ones. A few of the staff (mostly younger ones) don’t seem to have much interest in treating a patient with respect and dignity. You have to explain your problem, after waiting in line and for all to hear in the waiting area….no privacy.
Two surgeries (hip replacements) within 4 month (8 yrs. ago now) were two totally different experiences. After the first one the care received was absolutely excellent and the second one the absolute opposite….terrible! Uncaring nurses, disappearing nurses and behind the counter chatting, laughing, cell-phone using nurses. Very sad!
I’ve never had anything but good to see or say about the staff and drs there, all hospitals today have emergency room back logs and overflow of patients…the problem doesn’t come from the hospital.
Some excellent nurses, but a few of the bullying tyrants that can probably be found in any hospital. The ER? Appalling. My GP sent me to the ER for a vitamin shot to counteract the effects of a medication given for a cardiac issue by another doctor. I was admitted to the ER, then sat in a chair for more three hours waiting for a doctor to tell me I didn’t need the shot. In that time the only one who spoke with me was a fourth-year medical student (or so he said) who asked if he could look at my genital organ. Simply appalling. And why no pacemaker/ICD clinic in a town full of retirees?
This hospital is a disgrace and it is primarily due to protocols in regards to cleanliness and disinfection. The hosiptal has not followed proper protocol in regards to cleaning wards or segragating patients with c difficule or other contageous diseases that have spread as a result of budget, under staffing and neglegience at the management and nursing station levels. When deaths occur as a result of not following simple cleaning protocol, something needs to be done. The BC Health Ministry needs to address this issue before more people die needlessly, no matter at what age. Just beacuse a person is old does not justify statement like “oh well they have lived a long life” or “you have to go home even if you know your not recovered” or “we don’t normally admit pneumonia patents”, etc. etc. etc. starting in the emergency ward with overseas doctors who have attitude and disregard for the well being of a patient.