they in sted of helping my friend they restrained her when she didn't need to be she had just finished getting surgery that day she was thrown out of her wheelchair and dragged her down the hall to restain her for being out of her room on a call with me crying because of how she was t treated I don't recommend
Posted Date : 05/11/2019
they in sted of helping my friend they restrained her when she didn’t need to be she had just finished getting surgery that day she was thrown out of her wheelchair and dragged her down the hall to restain her for being out of her room on a call with me crying because of how she was t treated I don’t recommend
Over use of Lithium and Banzodiazipines for mostly crowd control.
Had to ask for a Pateint Bill of Rights to be posted.
Make sure an outside advocate is available to assist patient with understanding medications and treatment. This place is not manually ‘healthy’& often bully clients to make them take medication that is only used to control them in the hospital environment.