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8440 112 Street NW Edmonton, AB, Canada
8440 112 Street NW Edmonton, AB, Canada


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7 reviews
  • Anonymous

    He has alright people skills, but I felt as if he didn’t believe me, that everything was a coincidence. Didn’t believe how sick the meds were making me. I’m 49, and I feel 79, and I just wanted help in finding a way to obtain a better quality of life.

  • Anonymous

    I was lucky enough to have him assigned to my care after my heart attack. Sad to see him move to new position after being my cardiologist for 8 Years.

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Dr. David Ian Paterson7 reviews

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  • 5








    Dr. Paterson has been my heart function cardiologist for the past 13 years, ever since I received my first ICD. He has been just superb through all these years. He is thorough, knowledgeable, easy to talk with, listens carefully, and responds fully to any questions. The frequency of our visits has diminished to once each year, since my condition is managed by: a0 my ICD and Dr. Valtuille, my "cardiac cocktail", dubbed thus by Dr. Paterson, to define my medication routine, and my dietary habits which have been modified to manage my heart condition. From my perspective, he's top of the line.

    Posted Date : 20/11/2017

  • 5








    I have a genetic heart disease and Dr. Paterson was consulted to interpret my MRI results and has become my Heart Function Specialist for the last 7 years. My condition was well explained to me and what I could expect in the future. I have been very well managed with medications and a Pacemaker/Defibrillator. He referred me to a Geneticist in order that my children could be tested and screened. As my condition deteriorated, he has followed me very closely, ordered the appropriate tests and procedures, and ensured I am comfortable. Referral to the Dietitian has helped me with food choices and ultimately feeling so much better. He takes time to explain matters and is always approachable with any questions I may have. He is very knowledgeable and is highly respected by the other specialists involved in my care. He is open and honest; his predictions were correct, therefore, I had no unexpected surprises with my heart disease. I am confident wit his care and trust his judgement on further treatment options.

    Posted Date : 14/08/2017

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