This ER Dr does get a bad rap but although he has poor bedside manner, he is very knowledgeable.
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
This ER Dr does get a bad rap but although he has poor bedside manner, he is very knowledgeable.
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
I recently visited the E.R. with my 2 yr old son,Dr. Cowtan offered a good explanation,treated us very professionally and we were very happy with the care we received.
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
I have lived with asthma for 25 years now, and know what to do, and know the warning signs that I am getting sick , I get pneumonia VERY quickly if I dont act fast... I have had a few bad incounters with this doctor, he is a know it all, bull headed , ignorant,arrogant, uncaring man, who I am sure is a doctor in the hat because he couldnt get a job anywhere else... I waited in the ER for like 1 hour, Not breathing Well at all.... others in the ER waiting room were more worried about me then him, and when my husband asked when how long, she said he was on a coffee break! Must be nice to be able to have a coffee for an hour (sometimes longer) I am lucky if I get to sit down Once at my job, I am a Waiteress and work 12 hour shifts 5 days a week plus a mother of three, and I have more compassion serving coffee, and food items then he does in a life and death situation!!!!! He SUX!
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
Two bad experiences with this doctor. Had mastitis while nursing my son - he gave me the wrong antibiotic, one never prescribed for deep tissue infections, which helped me feel better for one day, but made the infection resistant, so I had to go on a very strong, long antibiotic and almost lost my milk! Then, when my son was 4, took him in because he was running such a high fever that would not come down with tylenol for more than 15 minutes, and he was breathing very rapidly and shallowly, limp, lethargic. My family Dr. had given me antibiotic in the a.m., but it hadn't helped much, and we live out of town, so I decided to be safe and go to ER. Cowtan said - don't worry, let the antibiotic work. Went home, son got worse, back in four hours after seeing Cowtan, and son was admitted with raging bacterial pneumonia, hospitalized for five days. I walk out of ER and go to walkin if Cowtan is on duty. I wouldn't take a dog to him.
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
My husband's family doctor diagnosed him with pneumonia but unfortunately could not order any chest x-rays because it was a holiday and the labs were closed. So he apologized and sent my huband to the hospital for x-rays and to be prescribed an appropriate antibiotic. The nurses hurried him in, where Dr. Cowtan ignored him for 4 hours. Then he tried to tell my husband that it was just his asthma and even made him use his puffer, but finally ordered the chest x-ray when the ventolin didn't work. After which he said, "Oh, I guess he does have pneumonia. It's pretty bad, too. Now what should I do?" I couldn't believe he was serious, but he looked genuinely baffled, so I suggested antibiotics. He said, "Oh! That's a good idea, I'll go look up which one I should put him on." He looked up the meds in his big blue book in between reading Field & Stream around the corner for another hour. Luckily he prescribed a proper antibiotic rather than something for fish or deer!
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
abosolutley awful doctor. Does not listen to parents and has NO bedside manner. Rather leave the ER and wait for the next doctor to come on shift.
I was 3 months pregnant. I had a complication arise and he was doing his so called procedure. One of the nurses said something about an ultrasound. He ignored her. I mentioned it again. He said, “I’m not going to call anybody in at this time. They all went home. You’ll have to come back tomorrow morning.” I went home and I was bleeding all night long. I was so pale and week by the morning. Went in the morning like he said they rushed me into O.R. The doctor said, “My baby was in pieces. He couldn’t tell me what gender it was. I was thoroughly disgusted. I didn’t like his attitude at all. I’ll never go see him again. If he’s there I’ll leave.
is crazy, would leave er if he was on and perhaps drive to brooks or bow island.
I would rather send my child to the local vet rather than Cowtan. I too, will not call him “Doctor”. What a loser!
This ER Dr does get a bad rap but although he has poor bedside manner, he is very knowledgeable.