It would seem this rotten apple has infected other apples on staff.
Posted Date : 04/08/2022
It would seem this rotten apple has infected other apples on staff.
Posted Date : 04/08/2022
Between 8 and 7 years ago I spent a year getting denied all tests I requested to see why I had nausea, insomnia and nonstop migraines. I had a stage 4 cancerous tumor blocking to flow of spinal fluid from my brain creating pressure on my brain. Emergency room doctors discovered it. My daughter may have anemia, but I never got test results back. Today October 5th 2021 I requested she see a specialist to diagnose her possible A.D.D. He asked why, "it won't increase her I.Q." Because she is unsure of her next move after high school, he thinks it is pointless to diagnose her. Doctor Lim, I hope you get the exact same tumor I had. I despise you.
Posted Date : 05/10/2021
This man pill pushed my Grandmother into an early grave. I wish I had the presence of mind when I was in my early 20s to know what I was witnessing. Breaks my heart. She was a good woman.
Posted Date : 24/06/2021
His secretary is a f*cking witch. She has ZERO reason to be so incredibly rude. Her tone is NASTY. What a nasty number that woman is. She lies to me, too. I have to pump myself up for two days before making a call to his office as I know how rudely she will speak to me and how much she will make me feel as though I'm doing something VERY wrong by even calling there. She hangs up on me when ever she feels like it and he just hung up on me today, mid-sentence. Unbelievable.
Posted Date : 23/06/2021
Terrible Doctor was at Emerge for 7 hrs and did not even come and see me sent his apprentice instead
Posted Date : 14/04/2021
Dr.Lim is an absolute disgrace and brings shame to the word dr…I can go in his office and tell him whats wrong and befor i finish he has a perscription ready for me..not only that u can never get in to see him…u call and get a darn answereing service that says to call after..I mean is bad enough he is a crappy dr…but come on at least hire decent enough staff to make the appointments…I sometimes feel that haveing him as my family dr is the worst thing for my health not once has he checked my blood pressure wich was diagnosed by a heart specialist after going to emerge …but he sits thier and tells me i dont have it…he is so focused on money and his new cosmetic surgery ..i dont know who would want this man trying to improve thier appearence when the man cant not even do what he went to school for (family dr)…he is more worried about how many perscriptions he can right and how much $$$ he can bring in for the day..even dr at the emerg roll thier eyes when u mention his name.
My mother-in-law does not speak english, she was treated horribly by Dr Lim. He absolutely did not care about her at all! Dr Lim is rude and has no respect for his patients. We as a family intervened and got her into a better physician.I feel very sorry for all his patients that are stuck with no where else to go. He really is only in medicine for financial gain that is obvious. I can’t help but hope that when Dr Lim is elderly and ill he gets the same poor service from his physician as he gave to so many of his patients.
I cannot think of one good thing to say about this doctor. I can’t believe he has not been reported to the College of Surgeons and Physicians and had his license removed. He is my mother’s Dr. and she was extremely healthy until two years ago when she suffered a devastating stroke. Her blood thiners have to be monitored very closely….I talked to my own Dr. about him because I am afraid of loosing my mother because of his incompatence…I tried to get my Dr. to take her on as a patient but she said she cannot take any new patients. That is the problem if you are stuck with Dr. Lim you can’t get a new Dr. here in Timmins. I think that having him as a Dr. is worse than having no Dr. Now he is into Cosmetic surgery???? I would not let that man anywhere near my face with a needle…but I guess there is more money in cosmetic surgery because you have to pay cash. I don’t know how he can sleep at night.
I like him. When I needed help for my husband he was there for me. Very compassionate.His knowledge is no worse than some doctors i’ve met.Treatment is very good
Very unhappy. Needs to inform himself better. I always have to suggest treatment and tell Dr. what I need him to do. Can’t switch – help – Timmins needs more Doctors that will take new patients.