Incompetent is too kind in describing this doctor. Does not keep up with research and thinks everyone has Borderline Personality Disorder. Violates the very code of conduct that she is supposed to adhere to like obtaining informed consent. Her and her staff treat those with physical disabilities with such disrespect and coerce us into refusing access to care if we don't give up our right to privacy in areas absolutely not related to health and are not interested in accessing current or accurate health records. My one interaction with her has resulted in such a deterioration of not only my mental health which was well controlled before being forced to see her. If you want a reason to kill yourself even if you didn't before this is the doctor to see. I am now writing my will and preparing for a slow and painful death because of her.
Posted Date : 09/04/2016
While I was in the DBT Program my time with Dr. Fitch was satifactory. I wish she would spend more time listening to her patients instead of taking the side of the therapists. I feel that Dr. Fitch needs to care a little more about her clients especially after discharging them from a program.
I am grateful to Dr. Kathryn-Ann Fitch for accepting me into the Alberta Health Services’ DBT program. I found her to be rather hesitant (maybe cautious would be a better word) when deciding about how to handle my prescriptions (in view of the handover from my previous psychiatrist to her). She was capable of frankness and honesty with me, that’s a tall order when you’re dealing with ME (I tend to be a hard head case). I wish her the best on her upcoming maternity leave 🙂 Meanwhile, I hope her optimism about me is not misplaced. I have observed Dr. Fitch looking to my therapist for confirmation on a decision which I’m not sure if that’s good or bad or the way DBT works. It is definitely NOT treatment as usual (TAU). Good luck to me!!!
Meeting her as inpatient.Very intelligent. Knows what I am talking about.
She’s smart, kind, caring, polite, respectful, and generally just awesome. I’m so glad to have her as my psychiatrist.
I was in the DBT program as well and in general none of the Psychiatrists or Therapists listened to their Patients. It seems that the more you fight to express your feelings the more they fight against it. People that have a mental illness need to be heard and/or express how they feel more than anyone and yet the “norm” for DBT is to run a dictatorship