Didn't look me in the eye, seemed bored and uninterested. Didn't help at all.
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
Didn't look me in the eye, seemed bored and uninterested. Didn't help at all.
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
Overall a decent doctor but can work on his tendency to come across as abrupt. Once one get to knows him he is an effective psychiatrist but some people don't stick around long enough to find that out because he rubs them the wrong way. He will go to great lengths for his patients if they are committed to getting better.
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
Dr. Kent Sargeant denied me antibiotics for a 1984 Staphylococci infection and deemed "pain and suffering" of Meningitis as delusional. He took my child welfare Termination Notice's 1978 ICD-08 diagnostic code and misclassified it as a 1984 ICD-09 Code. His charts were used against me 30 years later in a divorce's Forensic assessment.
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
I had met a number of psychiatrists prior to meeting Dr Sargeant, and quite simply, he is the best. While I was unsure about him at first, after working with him for a while I have come to really appreciate him. He isn't quick with his prescription pad, but will look for other solutions prior to prescribing meds. He will advocate for his patients to receive the care they need, be that in or out of hospital. He challenges you to make the changes you need to make to make progress, and will support you as you work on the issues. Without a doubt, I would not be alive today without him. Thank you Dr Sargeant!!
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
He’s a good doctor. I’ve known better psychiatrists but Dr. Sargeant is still better than most I have met. He’s very knowledgable and gets to the point. He does seem a bit abrupt but I don’t necessarily see that as a bad thing. He can have a sense of humour when it is appropriate so it’s not like he’s always serious or humourless. Overall I find him to be a good doctor
I met him while in the hospital for depression, and he was not helpful. He was arrogant and disrespectful to my experience with depression, it was my first time in the hospital and I felt like I was not being heard, then I was discharged and was not any better. My family had to come and watch me for a while as I am single, and was suicidal. He seemed smart but sometimes the textbook does not tell a person’s experience. On a positive note he was very smart.
Not concerned about suicide,and agree with other comment, is quick to discharge. Is very knowledgeable though but needs to listen to experience rather than all textbook information.
Dr.Sargeant is forthright, knowledgeable, personable
and always a good listener. He has helped me for the last 15 years and is diligent about getting blood work done & making changes in meds dosages when required.
Is a great dr, but is forgetful between sessions, and u have to retell. He cares but does come across as abrupt. He is knowledgeable and helpful. Really strict about the usage of meds. Overall, no real complaints.