Dr. Maurice Blackman educational abilities and long years of experience have placed him in a category so high he should really be teaching his findings and experiences; he doesn't look down on any human soul no matter what the problem. In my family each chose their own way in the end no matter how hard I worked to raise the perfect family. Dr. Blackman was supposed to help my daughter and he did. Like all children and perhaps adults too, she chose her own way anyhow, without any of us. At 27 years of age she found her way, by far the most successful in the career, money, and home life. She shared with me the skills she learned while she did spend time with Dr. Blackman was all she needed, even when we thought she needed more. He didn't stop there though he treated my husband, then me, and my son reaped benefits because the whole family changed suddenly. When you are broken he will help you pick up the pieces and begin again. All of us are grateful, each of us were finally free to choose our own destiny. Did you know you are allowed to do that no matter what. We accepted our own imperfections, all humans have them you know and they don't just disappear. So the good is wired into all of us the same as the bad. Dr. M. Blackman gives you the knowledge and the tools to make life happy and work. Remember you have to do the work its not all him. Good luck and God bless those who have yet to meet him. I know you will not be disappointed in him but he will share in your disappointments with you because he genuinely cares. As for money, everyone has to make a living. Would you have what it takes to do what he can do? I think I have enough skill to make a change in this world but I sure wish I had his knowledge base, education, and experience. Thank you Dr. Blackman
Posted Date : 10/06/2015
When I was 11, he told me that it was my fault that my parents divorced. I reacted negatively(even at that age I couldn’t believe how unprofessional and horrible it was to say that), and he took a disliking to me. When he spoke with my whole family, he offered them all cookies and told me “YOU can’t have one” in a childish attempt to spite me.
I cannot believe he still has not retired. This guy is a quack. He does not bother to get to know his patients at all and prescribes the same meds over and over. I shudder when I meet a client who is seeing him.
Dr. Blackman feels since he has been a psychiatrist for a while, that he knows all. Parents concerns are tossed away somewhat, as he only does what he thinks is best, not what others needs may be. He is quick to prescribe medication, making the patient not able to function well, socially or intellectually. He does care for children and has much expierience but he is lacking in attributes that would make him a better doctor.
I saw Dr.Blackman for 5 years as a child and I think as a whole that he is a caring and competent shrink. His biggest drawback is that he is a bit arrogant and he likes to play mind games with his teenage patients. He has his own distinct ways of doing things and he is often successful, but he does annoy alot of patients and their patients with his antics. Overall, he did help me and I am grateful for his dedication and service.
My son has been seeing Dr. BLackman for 7 years. I don’t know what we would have done without him. He’s helped our family so much. He is very knowledgeable in his field. His secretary is fantastic. Occasionally we have to wait before our appointment, but that’s usually the csse at all doctors and I don’t mind because he never rushes us when it’s our turn.