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Phone Number
10024 116 ST Edmonton, AB, Canada
10024 116 ST Edmonton, AB, Canada
  • Blue Cross / Blue Shield


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89 reviews
  • Anonymous

    I saw Dr. Blackman for an Indepdendent Medical Examination. I suffered a serious work related injury supported by organic findings which resulted in the loss of my career. Over the course of many years I was diagnosed by several treating Physicians in addition to more than one treating Psychiatrist as suffering from severe Depression. After Dr. Blackman spent an enormous amount of time by talking about topics that had absolutely no relevance to my file he offered a diagnosis of “Factitious Disorder”. I was absolutely devastated by this bogus diagnosis that no other treating Physician other than a WCB doctor has ever thrown my way. He has absolutely no idea of the emotional impact that this has caused, nor does he care! This is well supported by other reviews in addition to other websites which I would encourage all to read.

    Mayo Clinic definition:

    Factitious disorder is a serious mental disorder in which someone deceives others by appearing sick, by purposely getting sick or by self-injury. Factitious disorder symptoms can range from mild (slight exaggeration of symptoms) to severe (previously called Munchausen syndrome).

    I wonder how many other injured workers have been humiliated with a similar diagnosis provided by this unprofessional doctor who has been performing Independent Medical Examinations on behalf of the WCB for many years? He is definitely your man if you are an organization willing to pay for his “ highly unethical” and profitable services.

  • Anonymous

    Very difficult to understand; he mumbles and he speaks too quietly. He’s also kind of creepy. He paced around the waiting room stealing glances at me, and then randomly told me that I was pretty when I went to go see him. He didn’t do much. He talked about stuff that I swear had nothing to do with psychiatry. I left there without anything useful or helpful to take back with me. He is just all around a bad doctor, He would do a lot better in a career field that doesn’t involve living people. Please do not go see him.

  • Anonymous

    My daughter saw this dr years ago.. experience was traumatic. Sent her to the children’s mental heath at the Royal Alex after overdosing her on her adhd meds. She was seeing hair growing out of her finger tips. 9 year old on such a cocktail of meds. I was a young mom so I trusted him. Quick to prescribe without really helping. I eventually weened her off the meds and We never returned. So if meds are what you want, give him a call. He is your man

  • Anonymous

    He’s very difficult to understand. He mumbles a lot. He talked about strange things like the natzis to my son? My son hated going to him & we didn’t find his efforts helped at all.

  • Anonymous

    this doctor doesn’t talk, he mumbles …. as for the explanations when asking a question, you better get them the first time, because they won’t come back !

    his strategy seems mostly based on trials & errors, without any real analysis of the results …

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Dr. Maurice Blackman89 reviews

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  • 2








    Dr. Blackman is a very knowlesgeable person, but when it comes to giving the right advice for the certain situation and being on time, he is unreliable. I am a client of his and i have been for years but he is always at least 30 minutes late for his appointments, and he has some problems with letting the kids and youth he councils actually talk about issues. He is found to be very rushed during sessions, and it almost seems as if he isnt trying to get to the bottom of the problem, but correct it right away with meds or sending youth to the hospital

    Posted Date : 29/04/2024

  • 1








    Doctor did not relate well to a young teen. Was a poor communicator with both child and parent. This doctor was a waste of my time and more importantly my child's time and led to more frustration in our family rather than helping in anyway.

    Posted Date : 29/04/2024

  • 5








    When I was diagnosed with depression I went from one pscyhologist to the next who told me and my mother that the only way that I would get better was if I was admitted. Dr. Blackman however believed that I could beat my depression withbout being admitted. He set me up with a group and, with the help of the social worker who runs the groups,they saved my life. Yes, he takes forever to call you into his office. Yes, he mumbles so that you have to really listen to understand him. And yes he can be forgetfull at times but what he does works. I have been with Dr. Blackman now for 8 years and am excelling in life. Seeing Dr.Blackman and his social worker has made it possible for me to live a happy, fulfilling life.

    Posted Date : 29/04/2024

  • 3








    I give 5 to Punctuality, this maybe an indicator of fewer patients Dr. Blackman than other doctors. We refered by our family doctor and had visited him about 6 times since after. This doctor seems no interests on comunication with child and parents, he is insist on the medicine he choses for my kid, but doesn't want to adjust accordingly to what we told him about the kid. Not exciting experience I had with him for sure.

    Posted Date : 29/04/2024

  • 1








    Dr. Blackman made an incorrect diagnosis on me when I was 12 or 13 and had me on some serious drugs. I sure hope he stops practicing soon before he hurts anyone else. I am concerned about the long term effects of the drugs he had me on.

    Posted Date : 29/04/2024

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