This man should not be allowed to practice psychiatry.He forced me off the medications I was taking. I then had a nervous break down and failed a semester of University when i'd gone to him because of already having problems. He did not listen to me already deciding I was too high functioning to take medication.I found him rude and disrespectful. He did not seem to care about me at all. He was very rude and disrespectful asking questions like "Do you chase after girls?" (I am a gay male) and then " you chase after men?" He also said "Have you ever tried to off yourself?" He believes medication is not the answer to anything.He apparently does not believe in science, research, or the opinions of the general medical community. RUN AWAY. I can't stress enough how much his mismanagement and incompetence has negatively affected my life. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!
Posted Date : 29/04/2024
He actually fell ASLEEP while in a session with me! Not very good for a mental health professional dealing with vulnerable people!
Dr.Coll is the kindest Dr and has the patients to let you reveal your inner self to get life back on track, with a gentle push to help yourself concor each step of the way and support when needed when life gets a bit out of control.My road to recovery is much easier because of him. I would recomend Dr. Coll to anyone that needs a bit or a lot of help making their life better.
“Dr.” Coll abandoned his ethical responsibilities by employing shock methods against me. This consisted of the toxic Brit yelling and screaming at me for two weeks based on the illegal assumption that somehow I was his property. He only ceased his heinous, redneck, scorched earth methods when I started yelling back. “Dr.” Coll should lose his licence, be stripped of his assets and go to hell instead of trying to create it in his practice. He owes me big time for polluting my life and having profited at my expense. Why, in a constitutional democracy, should Canadians defer to the cult of idiotic, greedy, crooked, unaccountable pseudoscientific psychiatrists who are eager participants in a highly remunerative pharmaceutical-marketing Ponzi scheme? Psychiatry has supplanted religion as a purveyor of superstition and has given us nothing more than a “legacy of ashes”. The profession should be immediately drawn and quartered for its utter illegitimacy and be replaced by non-garbage science.
Dr. Coll was an immense disappointment. His lack of memory regarding past sessions was shocking. He was also tactless in a smug way. He’d start off a session asking ‘what’s wrong with you again?’ And also: ‘Whose your therapist again?’ Even though I’d been seeing him for a year he remained clueless. He also asked if I was ‘still drinking a liter of vodka in the morning?’ because I had told him about this friend of mine whose alcoholism concerned me in a previous session. He mistook ME for HER. Instead of prescribing antidepressants he preferred that I read some pseudoscientfic & scare-mongering books in their place. He only wrote two prescriptions for me during the entire time I was a patient of his. With the last one he said ‘I hope you understand that prescribing pills is a difficult thing for me to do, it goes against the core of my being. I won’t be able to do so again.’ So, what was he good for? NOTHING, a more useless doctor would be difficult to find.
He took my bipolar husband off his medication and did not replace it. In the last few months my bipolar husband has been manic and then in bed depressed for 3 days straight. But according to this dr., my bipolar husband does not require meds. Ridiculous, he has broken a family up.