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Calgary, AB, Canada
Calgary, AB, Canada


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50 reviews
  • Anonymous

    This pertains to Kathy Fitch, despite her not being a Forensic Psychiatrist.

    In short, after 10 years of researching cultural and systemic abuse and corruption:

    A false narrative is required to perform an effective coverup. Along with coverups and false narratives – will come character assassination smear campaigns. Mental health professionals often utilize the psychiatric diagnostic labelling system to shift blame onto the psychopathology of victims who seek Psychiatric care – thereby providing numerous classic defense packages for perpetrators. (Note: This is especially true surrounding the so-called Personality Disorder Spectrum) which in reality, does not actually exist… All Personality Disorders can be seen alternatively as Complex PTSD with varying and adverse trauma reactions. Fight / Flight / Freeze / Fawn. Because victims of repeated crimes are likely to tell the truth, and because truth is often too detrimental for society, the Government enables Psychiatry to operate like Government lawyers who maintain control over the, “official narrative(s).” This often requires that Psychiatry suppress victims, truth speakers, potential litigants, whistleblowers, journalists, etc. In saying this, it is important to note that Psychiatrist’s and the institutions in which they are employed, are not only guilty of covering up the truth and protecting perpetrators on the micro level – they also inadvertently earmark said victims for jail and psych ward and risk perpetuating intergenerational traumas, effectively normalizing abuse and injustice of all kinds on the macro level. When a victim comes forward with a true testimony – the false narrative (coverup) is often custom tailored to contradict / contrast the true narrative, but usually a false narrative requires a diagnosis to create synthetic logic points that aid the crafting of an ideal coverup and smear campaign. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual is literally filled with Psychiatric labels that are INVENTED to accommodate smear campaigns and coverups against victims of particular subtypes of abuse and or injustice: Hence, victims of repeated crimes often share similar testimonies, despite having absolutely zero connection with one another. Unfortunately, in saying this – diagnosis provides perpetrators creative wiggle room for offense and defense packages in court – which allows them authority to weaponize the courts. A just-world fallacy… Political Abuse of Psychiatry is often utilized by the system, to not only discredit the victim, but also to protect all parties involved in organized, ritualized and or spiritualized abuse dynamics. And so – in order to fabricate an ideal defense package in advance for lawsuits, complaints and or investigations – the institution rests on Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology – as well as Pseudoscientific Psychiatric Labelling Systems – along with numerous other, “professions,” – whom are all granted the rare opportunity to assess victims – and subsequently place them into victim (validation) or perpetrator (invalidation) roles. Psychiatry, then (at times) literally aids and abets character assassination smear campaigns required coverup abuse, flip victim and perpetrator roles through the court, and effectively oppress the victim whilst sending them to jail or psych ward without a key. These “professions,” will commonly botch assessments and cater to whichever false narrative contrasts the true narrative the best. If successful, Psychiatry can convince third parties and ignorant folk that the designated scapegoat is a horrible deviant criminal monster who needs to be sent away without a key. But don’t worry. Justin Trudeau is investigating why our jails are filled with Cluster B Personality Disorders – literally means Complex PTSD (which isn’t included in the DSM yet for a reason): primarily to maintain control over a particular demographic of victim : namely sexual abuse survivors who might someday risk exposing deeply embedded human trafficking and pedophilia rings flourishing in all ranks of society.

    As per:

    – Institutional Betrayal Trauma Theory

    – Cultural Betrayal Trauma Theory

    – Narcissistic Family Dynamics

    – Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome

    – Family Scapegoating Abuse

    – Reactionary Abuse

    – D.A.R.V.O. Smear Campaigns

    – GroupThink Abuse Dynamics

    – Abuse By Proxy

    – Zersetsung

    – Organized, Ritualized and Spiritualized Abuse Dynamics.

  • Anonymous

    This doctor knows nothing about mother- child bonding. I pity her children. She lacks knowledge and will do more to gaslight a patient than to actually understand their issues. If she heads in your direction, turn and run the other way!

  • Anonymous

    When I first started seeing Dr Fitch I was severely suicidal. Thanks to her & the DBT program, I no longer want to die & have found a measure of happiness. Dr Fitch won’t just tell you what you want to hear, she will challenge you in ways that are sometimes frustrating but are always for your benefit. I can’t recommend her enough. Thank you, Dr Fitch, for the role you played in saving my life.

  • Anonymous

    I’m pretty sure Dr. Fitch posts her own reviews of appointments with patients on Google Reviews and I found a pretty good candidate for her account in the reviews for the psychic love specialist in Ceres, California so I guess it’s true her husband is a con artist because a man is now suing the psychic love specialist (looks like the suit names mom, dad and daughter) for $5100 because she charged him to protect his marriage from a curse set on him by an ex-girlfriend and it didn’t work, not that I blame her.

  • Anonymous

    I found Kathy to be very knowledgeable and helpful, especially by explaining the neurobiology of the medication therapy. She was always pleasant to me, but could give helpful feedback that is challenging. I hope those who found her difficult found a more compatible psych, I however got along great with Kathy.

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Dr. Kathy Fitch50 reviews

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  • 1








    Dr. Kathy Fitch is a sad excuse for a mental health care practitioner. She needs to get out of psychiatric care for the benefit of the poor patients who are stuck with her. Due to her inability to provide accurate mental health care, and her absurd willingness to write dangerous prescriptions, she has ended my experience with the DBT clinic and has also made it so that I am unable to go to ANY family doctor, walk in clinic, or pharmacy for the drugs that my body is now extremely reliant on. I fear for the future of my safety as well as the safety of the people around me due to the care I received from Kathy Fitch. The side effects and withdrawals from these medications, as well as lack of therapy are taking over my life. I can honestly say that I am far worse off after being a patient in her clinic, than I ever was before. I wish I had never come into contact with her. I don't know that I could ever trust a psychiatrist again. It really is such a shame that in this day in age people like this monster Fitch are still working in our healthcare establishments. I do not pay taxes for creatures like Fitch to poison young lives and ruin futures. I am ashamed to have ever attempted to open up to her, and had been horribly turned down in person by her. I don't know how she sleeps at night. Save yourself!!!! STAY AWAY FROM CALGARYS DBT CLINIC!!!!!

    Posted Date : 01/09/2017

  • 1








    Be warned this doctor should NOT be treating people with serious mental health issues.

    Posted Date : 19/07/2017

  • 1








    The people that have written the positive reviews on here about Dr fitch should be ashamed of themselves they are obviously colleagues or friends of hers and not patients,people suffering with mental illness need to know that there are disgraceful doctors such as kathy fitch.

    Posted Date : 19/07/2017

  • 1








    Just an all around terrible experience being treated by her,I have nothing positive that i can honestly say about her.

    Posted Date : 16/02/2017

  • 4








    I can't believe some of the negative comments below, and many of them really don't fairly speak to just how great a doctor Dr. Fitch is. She is one of the best psychiatrists in the city - trust me, I've seen quite a few. And she is full of care and compassion. Perhaps those who have negative things to say don't really know her - like the person who said they had never seen her, but her name was on their chart/documentation. Dr. Fitch works very hard at helping her patients and she is extremely knowledgeable. Quite simply said....she is awesome. Ignore those who rant on below in crazy terms for they know not what Dr. Fitch is all about!

    Posted Date : 11/07/2016

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