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Phone Number
666 Fifth Street SW Medicine Hat, AB, Canada
666 Fifth Street SW Medicine Hat, AB, Canada
  • Blue Cross / Blue Shield
  • MB Health


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63 reviews
  • Anonymous

    I went through about 2 months of horrible abdominal pain before seeing a few docs and finally being referred to Dr. Nohr. After determining that my gallbladder needed to be removed he scheduled the procedure within days. It went off without a hitch and I feel 100% better. It’s nice that after 2 months of talking to 5 different docs I found one who solved the problem. People would be much more thankful for doctors like Nohr if they had to deal with the pain I endured for months, and that he took care of in days. The surgery itself is no more than 2 hours and is less painful than gallstones. Thanks Dr. Nohr. R. Dupuis

  • Anonymous

    was very disappointed in Dr Nor… waited so long for my diagoisis I ended up in calgary hospital having major surgery…no I dont think he is that great

  • Anonymous

    As a nurse who worked WITH Dr Nohr for over 2yrs IN the hospital, I would like to condradict the user who said that he is hated by all the nurses and all the other doctors. You could not be further from the truth. He is THE most professional General Surgeon at MHRH. He is one of the few who actually gives a damn and is always on time. To all of you who said to not go to him and he makes money off of the Gastric Bypass sugeries, you could are all ignorant and forgetting that he is in fact human too. He makes nothing off of those surgeries, period. Dr Nohr is one of the few who is not in medicine to become rich, he is in medicine because he genuinely cares about people and their well-being. So get a grip, and “if you don’t have nothing nice to say, keep your bloody mouth shut.”

  • Anonymous

    Dr. Nohr performed a crohn’s surgery for me about 7 years ago. I was lucky and was in the hospital on a cancellation four days after having my office visit. He corrected the scar from a previous crohn’s surgery and I looked better after the second cut then I did from the first one. This doctor has a very good sense of humour and I look forward to my yearly visits with him all the time. Even after seeing me only once a year, he also remembers that I am not good at hearing, and speaks to me clearly so that I can understand him – for that I give a lot of respect because my boss who I see every day does not make that effort for me and he knows I can’t hear well. My hat is off to you Dr. Nohr – keep up the good work.

  • Anonymous

    Dr. Nohr was very helpful with my questions and at surgery and recovery, always took the time to answer my questions and appear to be concerned as how I was doing. I would recomment him to anyone!

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Dr. Carl Nohr63 reviews

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  • 4








    For whatever reason he did not do the test that my family doctor sent me to do. I am left with the question if I have a cancer or not.

    Posted Date : 25/07/2019

  • 4








    thank you for helping me get closer to where i want to be.

    Posted Date : 21/05/2019

  • 5








    Dr. Nohr was my surgeon for my gallbladder removal and was so helpful and reassuring. I was an emotional mess before surgery because my parents were about to bring my son to visit. He called the right after we were done which I've never seen before!!

    Posted Date : 06/05/2019

  • 5








    Attentive and prompt to follow up. Have had numerous positive experiences.

    Posted Date : 19/09/2018

  • 5








    Dr. Nohr is a highly skilled and caring surgeon who cared for my physical and emotional self during my recent cancer surgeries. His gentle manner and quiet tone can seem standoffish at first but is actually just him being genuine and focused. He books surgery dates himself which is so reassuring and convenient as you can make a treatment decision knowing exactly when surgery could be. My cancer is gone and my surgery scar is very clean and minimal. I am doing well physically and emotionally and I thank Dr. Nohr for his part in helping me get to this point.

    Posted Date : 29/08/2018

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