I found Dr. Russell to be a no nonsense type person/specialist. I had a very good rapport with this Doctor and felt it may have been so because I was forthright and answered his questions the best to my ability. Dr. Russell is a very polite and get to the point type Doctor which I very much appreciate. He was extremely thorough in his examination I believe people have different experiences with Specialists maybe because of the patient's demeanour and what I mean by this is some patient's may not have the ability to express themselves clearly or some patient's may have a hidden agenda which can be very detrimental to the visit and relationship with the Doctor. I surmise that Dr.Anthony Russell is nobody's fool and can sense a malingerer. I rate my experience with this Doctor five stars all around which is extremely rare for me!
Posted Date : 31/08/2014
I rated this doctor the way I did because I found him to be rude and very uncaring as far as the impact his words would have on a very ill patient.I have been very ill for over 4 years now and unable to get answers as to the main problem.Because my family doctor left his practice and different doctor sent me to see him,in the hopes to help me find out what is wrong.His intern sat with me for a long time asking questions and examining me.Then the specialist came in for a whole 5 – 8 minutes if I was lucky.He then said,” No one in the Medical Profession can help you.” He then came over to shake my hand.He left the room and I dressed,in total shock and completely sure I never wanted to see another doctor,especially another arrogant specialist, for the rest of my life no matter how ill I am.He left that room not caring on bit what he did to me.