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8440 112 Street NW Edmonton, AB, Canada
8440 112 Street NW Edmonton, AB, Canada
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76 reviews
  • Anonymous

    First session I met Dr. Russell, he prescribed me to take Chloroquine. couple of months after I started to loose my vision. My optometrist talked to him about side effects of Chloroquine but he was so denial and didnt consider to change my medication. He called me later and talked to me so rudely, I couldnt understand why he is so rude. I searched a lot and I learned when chloroquine affect the eyes, sometimes is impossible to heal it again. After 3 months taking, I stopped it anyway and my vision came back after 1 month. I dont recommend him to anybody.

  • Anonymous

    Run!!! This guy needs to retire. He spent less than 5 mins with me on first visit. Refused to hear my non fibro related symptoms, refused to hear my family history, refused to look at my joints other than hands, and told me to seek a psychiatrist and meditate to alleviate fibro symptoms!! THEN he prescribed a very strong sleeping pill even though I have no trouble sleeping and at home with little kids alone at night. He told me he doesn’t like to treat fibro patients with medications and tells them to meditate instead. I asked what to do about my career, my children and my life with these horrible symptoms and he said, ” I sujest not allowing it to affect you”. Ummm WTF?! And!! He HURT me pressing with all his might on my tender points. Run. Run for your life. This dinasour is out to lunch!!

  • Anonymous

    I had an undiagnosed autoimmune disease for over 2 years. My GP sent me to Dr. Russell as Russell had treated my late mother’s SLE for many years. He examined me in a very superficial manner, told me I didn’t have SLE & that I needed orthotics for the pain in my feet. I went to a different Rheumatologist who found out I had a rare autoimmune disease called Mixed Connective Tissue disease (related to SLE). The genetic tests to confirm this diagnosis were done in Dr. Russell’s Rheumatology lab at the U of A. How ironic! Why couldn’t he have ordered the same test? Run away fast from this dinosaur!

  • Anonymous

    This man does not know what he’s doing- time for him to retire.

  • Anonymous

    I found Dr. Russell to be a no nonsense type person/specialist. I had a very good rapport with this Doctor and felt it may have been so because I was forthright and answered his questions the best to my ability.

    Dr. Russell is a very polite and get to the point type Doctor which I very much appreciate.

    He was extremely thorough in his examination

    I believe people have different experiences with Specialists maybe because of the patient’s demeanour and what I mean by this is some patient’s may not have the ability to express themselves clearly or some patient’s may have a hidden agenda which can be very detrimental to the visit and relationship with the Doctor. I surmise that Dr.Anthony Russell is nobody’s fool and can sense a malingerer.

    I rate my experience with this Doctor five stars all around which is extremely rare for me!

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Dr. Anthony Russell76 reviews

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    I rated this doctor the way I did because I found him to be rude and very uncaring as far as the impact his words would have on a very ill patient.I have been very ill for over 4 years now and unable to get answers as to the main problem.Because my family doctor left his practice and different doctor sent me to see him,in the hopes to help me find out what is wrong.His intern sat with me for a long time asking questions and examining me.Then the specialist came in for a whole 5 - 8 minutes if I was lucky.He then said," No one in the Medical Profession can help you." He then came over to shake my hand.He left the room and I dressed,in total shock and completely sure I never wanted to see another doctor,especially another arrogant specialist, for the rest of my life no matter how ill I am.He left that room not caring on bit what he did to me.

    Posted Date : 29/04/2024

  • 0








    Russell i$ great $ince he write$ exactly what you hire him for & is partial 2 u. I rated Russell low because my employer's insurance company is fighting me all the way with my Disability Claim & using Russell's lack of compassion & partiality as their tool. Originally I wanted to be referred to Russell as he came up on a Google Search well respected as an author & Dr. Russell’s Report makes me appear as if I am malingering but comes short of saying that & at the end of the report he states he does not know what I have! His report details things I never mentioned to him, such as certain meds, my body functions, etc which horrified me when his word weighs more than mine! Russell’s pretentious arrogance was also indicated by stating that my health condition of CFIDS was not disabling. The WHO considers CFIDS/ME/CFS IS a Disabling condition & he, a university prof & article author, knows better?! I was sent to him for a possible diagnosis of NL-SLE. Maybe you'll benefit by him?!

    Posted Date : 29/04/2024

  • 0








    Seen this doctor recently-most of the time was spent with intern and when he finally came in he maybe spent a whole 5 minutes with me which i do not believe is long enough to do anything-basically told there was nothing wrong with me even though in the past i was told that i had arthritsis-didn't really examine me just asked questions-appointment was a waste of time for both of us

    Posted Date : 29/04/2024

  • 0








    I cannot agree with the other posts. I actually have a real disease - Ankylosing Spondylitis. I think that if a patient has a real disease, Dr. Russell is great. He is thorough and helpful. It is obvious that he expects people to work. If you are trying to get out of work or want disability you should probably see someone else. If you smoke and don't want to exercise you should also see someone else.

    Posted Date : 29/04/2024

  • 0








    I was refered to Dr Russel when he was at the QEII Hospital.I have Crohns and it was thought that i may have RA so my Dr refered me to Him.It turns out I dont have RA and in this case i am pleased wit the Dr`s findings ,he didnt dwell on wether my chronic joint pain could be caused by Crohns though. I was there for RA and he did his job in a proffessional manner where that is concerned and he was real busy so i am happy over all.

    Posted Date : 29/04/2024

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