PLEASE see another neurosurgeon if you can! My husband saw him about 3 years ago as an emergency and was operated on the next day. Our out of pocket expenses were well over $2500! My husband again had to see him through St John's Emergency Department and was told the out of pocket were going to be more than $3k - we have top hospital cover!! He also wanted this paid upfront - who has that type of money lying around?? I certainly don't! Told my husband that if it wasn't paid, then no other neurosurgeon in Perth would touch him because Narula would let them know we couldn't pay. He is arrogant and thinks he is god. His wife is the receptionist and her only concern is for him, not for the patients in any way shape or form! Stay away from this person.
Posted Date : 11/11/2019
My husband had a brain aneurysm which progressively affected his coordination, speech and vision. Mr Narula monitored it’s progression and then operated. After surgery, my husband’s headaches were gone, his sight, speech and body control was all back to normal. We now get scans regularly from the GP check for any problems, but we’ve never had to see Mr Narula since the post-op appointments. He did a fantastic job, in his care and his surgery, and we’re both are truly thankful for all his hard work
Some people are truly pathetic. Dr Narula is a gifted man that frees people of pain and saves people’s lives. Because he has limited time and is a man of few words doesn’t mean he is no good or doesn’t care. The people that winge on here have not even been operated on by Soni they are just sad because they think they deserve to be treated like royalty in a waiting room. If your reading this your not worried about his waiting room your worried about your outcome. I’ve dealt with the pain and then had back surgery from Soni, the man is truly gifted I can’t thank him enough.
I had an MRI before I saw Mr Narula. when I saw him he reviewed my scan, showed me that I had a bulging disc and fully explained how this was causing my pain. I had surgery shortly after, and now I’m completely pain free. No more physios, no more chiros!!
Dr Narula gave me my life back. He’s a lovely man and truely fantastic surgeon!! 10/10 Dr Narula!
I saw Dr Narula at the recommendation of a friend after about 7 years of back pain. His knowledge and concern for my pain was incredible. Surgery went very smoothly and I have been pain free ever since. I would definitely recommend Dr Narula to anyone with back pain