I can't speak to his office at Sunridge; however I was recently referred to him by my optometrist as there were signs of leakage at the back of my eyes. I am an insulin dependent diabetic, have been for 25 years. I received a call immediately following my optometry appointment telling me I had to see Dr. Anad immediately. I went the following Tuesday to Rockyview General. I had an angiogram performed to show any microscopic fissures as well. I was already nervous about the whole situation. My glucose levels are good and I have a 6.3 HgA1C. While I agree that his bed side manner leaves something to be desired, it did sound like a very "end of my life as I know it conversation". I was concerned that he was going to use the laser treatment to zap the leaks as well as new blood vessels in order to stop any further damage. That I understood. But his description of the treatment left me worried that it may be worse than the issues themselves. So I was rushed in for this treatment, without having much time to really think it through. He was very quick and not much time to collect my thoughts or blink between zaps, something I felt was a little dangerous especially when eyes seem to want to wander from time to time. This was the first of many procedures. I do have concerns that maybe I don't really need this treatment? He explained that the laser is destroying my retina. I have 20/20 corrected vision now, generally no issues with my eyesight, but he tells me that this treatment will degrade my peripheral and color vision over time. While most comments here talk about issues with getting in to see him, my concerns are really about his diagnosis and how much trust I should put in that? I hear that he's one of the best known. I don't care about his attitude or how his office staff treats anyone, I really want to make sure that 1) the procedures he does are really warranted and 2) there are no malpractice issues against him. the last thing I want is to go into see him one day, and leave without being able to "see" him the next. I'm already nervous enough about my eye sight.
Posted Date : 19/02/2016
The Doctor Anand do not have any care to explain to the patient how qill be the treatment. He is very rud, and not professional
This man saved my eye by fixing a retinal detachment. I would highly recommend him.I have no experience with his staff. It is almost impossible for these Doctors to always be on time as sometimes they have emergencies. Your choice is to go to the usa.Please bring your gold card.
To my knowledge he is very good doctor and takes spcial care of his patients.
I would not recommend Dr. A. As a result of incompetent care, I have lost my vision in my eye. He did not express any sympathy with the outcome of my surgery.
Do NOT see Dr. A. His incompetence is a DISGRACE to the profession! I was sent to see Dr. A over a year ago because I saw a severe change in my vision in my right eye. I saw him twice in a period of three weeks and he said “You have a significant amount of swelling in your eye but I see no cause for it” he prescribed eye drops and said that he would see me again in three months. I am a diabetic and I asked him if this was in any way related to my diabetes or was it diabetic retinopathy? He assured me he was absolutely confident that it was not and said he would see me in three months. I got a second opinion and within 10 mins I was told that I did indeed have Diabetic Retinopathy! I was also told that this was a fairly routine and easy diagnosis and it should not have been missed! That is incompetence if I have ever seen it!!!